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AAFM ™- Co-Existence Agreements with CFA/&CFP

Counselor Mentz successfully negotiates with CFA-Insttute and the CFA-Board

1) AAFM accepts CFP™ Board of Standards co-existance trademark agreement November 8th, 20022002 AAFM reaches co-existence agreement with CFP™ Board Worldwide. MFP Master Financial Professional™ , RFA Registered Financial Analyst™, and RFS Registered Financial Specialist™ Designations are agreed upon for AAFM global use and will become Worldwide Financial Designations. AAFM is an independent self regulatory financial organization, but it was agreed that there would be no objection by CFP™ to AAFMs use, registration or proliferation of the marks MFP Master Financial Professional or RFA Registered Financial Analyst™, and RFS Registered Financial Specialist™ if used. In November, an older AAFM designation - Char. Fin. Prof. Designation & Trademark was abandoned by AAFM at the request of the FP Board in consideration of the agreement. All member holders were notified by email of the agreement and the substitution of MFP Master Financial Professional is posted prominently on website. Throughout negotiations CFP lawyers had no objection to AAFMs ownership and use of CWM, CPM, CRA, CPM, CTEP, RFS, CAM or other board designations offered.

2) AAFM and AIMR Agreement - Notice

The AAFM Board and the CFA-Institute/Assn. for Investment Mgt. & Research have reached a global trademark and co-existance agreement. The agreement allows AAFM to use some 15 financial and executive training board certified designations worldwide while AAFM has agreed to abandon 2 older registered trademarks Chartered Financial Management Analyst CFMA & Financial Analyst. The AAFM Board of Standards had decided to abandon any disputed designations at issue so as to achieve this landmark trademark agreement. The AAFM's New Financial Analysis Designation will be Financial Analyst Designate FAD™ and CMA Chartered Market Analyst. This month, the older disputed AAFM Char. Fin. Mgt. Analyst Designation Trademark would be abandoned by AAFM at the request of the AIMR.

Because AAFM has reached agreement with AIMR ™ Worldwide, MFP Master Financial Professional™ and RFS Registered Financial Specialist™ Designations are designated for AAFM global use and will also become Worldwide Financial Designations under a similar agreement with the CFP™ Board this year. AAFM is an independent self regulatory financial board of standards with members in over 100 countries, but it was agreed that there would be no objection by AIMR™ of AAFMs use, registration or proliferation of 15 designations and brand marks including MFP Master Financial Professional and RFS Registered Financial Specialist™.

AIMR has also agreed to allow AAFM to use the following trademarks without objection.

  • RBA Registered Business Analyst
  • MFM Master Financial Manager
  • FAD Financial Analyst Designate
  • MCA Master Corporate Analyst
  • MAC Master Accredited Controller
  • MFC Master Financial Controller
  • MFP Master Financial Professional
  • CAM Certified or Chartered Asset Manager
  • RFS Registered Financial Specialist
  • CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner
  • CPM Chartered Portfolio Manager
  • CWM Chartered Wealth Manager
  • CRA Certified Risk Analyst
  • CCF Certified in Corporate Finance
  • Registered Market Analyst

Signing Ceremony would be held on Jan. 7th, 2004 All Rights Reserved 2004 - This Article may not be duplicated by anyone who is not a member of the AAFM XXXXXXX

Attorney and General Counsel Prof. G. S. Mentz, Esq. states, "This is a strategic Brand Recognition and Trademark Protection move by AAFM to be able to move aggressively in 2003-4 with expansion in China, Singaore, Malaysia, Thialand, and the EU countries. In the US and Canada, AAFM is already growing quickly.


About Mentz:
George Mentz is a licensed attorney and is trained in Internatinal Law and Business. Mentz has an earned MBA from an AACSB Accredited Business School and holds a Doctorate Degree or Juris Doctorate Degree from an ABA Accredited USA Law School. Prof. Mentz has held faculty appointments and credentials in Silicon Valley, Miami, Chicago, Denver, San Deigo and New Orleans. . Prof. Mentz is a consultant providing expertise to Fortune 100 companies in several countries. The first person in the United States to achieve "Quad Designation" Status as a JD, MBA, licensed financial planner, and Certified Financial Consultant. Prof. Mentz has authored/published over 15 Books and has been quoted or seen in the Wall Street Journal, The Hindu National, El Norte Latin America, the Finanical Times, The China Daily, & The Arab Times. Prof. Mentz has recently been awarded a National Faculty Award, a Distinguished Faculty Award and a Meritorious Service Medal for Charitable Service. Prof Mentz has taught over 150 college and graduate courses in his faculty career.
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