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AAFM Articles > General > IPDK The Institute of Professional Development Limited IPD
IPDK The Institute of Professional Development Limited IPD
By General
06 January, 2007
The Institute of Professional Development Limited IPD is a professional education provider dedicated to providing education, academic awards, professional training and certifications - which are practical. IPD also provides consultancy and event organisation services in Hong Kong and greater China. IPD provides management and secretariat services for the Institute of Compliance Officers Limited (ICO), an incorporated professional body whose main aims are to recognise, promote and support the compliance profession and the furtherance of professional standards of practice and integrity, through the continuing professional education, knowledge management services, research and publications. IPD also provides management and secretariat services for The Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA) and ICMA (HK), which offers a number of certification programs including the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) award. ICO owns and operates Results Management Limited (RML), a practical management training and consultancy company, which offers 6 Sigma and Change Management programs, as well as a complete management audit and reform package in the form of the Results Management Program (RMP), which consists of elements of the 6 Sigma and Change Management programs supplemented with whatever is required to meet particular needs of clients. ICO is also a principal shareholder in CMS Global Ltd, which provides risk management and business continuity training and consultancy. IPD is the Course Operator for the Master of Business Law (MBL) program in Hong Kong, and offers a comprehensive selection of business, companies and securities courses at all levels. IPD is sufficiently resourced and resourceful to cater to a variety of needs and so can offer courses and otherwise source as needed. IPD also offers complete promotion and event organisation services, such as professional conferences and the organisation of the Continuing Obligations & Regulatory Essentials (CORE) series offered by ICO. IPD programs are offered in mainland China through an alliance with Global Best Resources Limited.
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