ISO Certified 9001 & Accredited Education & Training ™
Wealth Management Risk & Financial Planning Training and Certification ™
The GAFM ® Board is the 1st Graduate Certification Body to Become Accredited and Certified for: ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 29990 Training in the World. GAFM ® owns the former AAFM ® Certifications and Programs
GAFM ® Global Academy of Finance & Management ®
GAFM and AAFM ® Certifications
Certifications that successful graduates of Qualified Accredited Certification Courses and Programs can apply for. If you want to enroll for our approved online Masters & LLM Courses from an Accredited Law School, please email us and use our contact form: Apply Now
- CWM ® Certified Chartered Wealth Manager ® - Apply Now
Take the CWM Course online
- MFP ® Master Financial Planner - Charter Designation and Board Certification ® Apply Now Take the MFP Course Online
- AMC ® Accredited Management Consultant ® - Apply Now
- AMA ® Accredited Management Accountant ® - Apply Now
- CAM ™ Chartered Certified Asset Manager - Apply Now
- CTEP ™ Chartered Trust and Estate Planner - Apply Now
- RFS ™ Registered Financial Specialist or MFM™ - Apply Now
- CMA ™ Chartered Market Analyst ™ - Financial Analyst Designate - Apply Now
- CCA ™ Chartered Compliance Analyst - Apply Now
- Take the Compliance Courses Online
- CAMC ™ Certified Anti-Money Laundering Consultant - Apply Now
- CAPA ™ Certified Asset Protection Analyst - Apply Now
- CEC Certified E-Commerce Consultant - - Apply Now
- CTS™ Certified Transfer Pricing Specialist™ - Apply Now
- MPM™ Master Project Manager – Legal Analyst - Apply Now
- CITA ™ Certified International Tax Analyst - Apply Now
- CPAM ™ Chartered Pension Analyst Manager - Apply Now
- CDCP Certified Data Center Professional - Apply Now
Click Here to Apply and Email Your CV and Resume for Review