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AAFM Articles > Corporate Governance > The SMB CEO Challenges in a Globalised World
The SMB CEO Challenges in a Globalised World
By Lincoln Rosa, Fábio Pires, Fatima Porcaro, Fatima Torres
15 May, 2008
The search for new skills is difficult because of the space and time offered in the SMB model of work. In this case, the manager plays several roles simultaneously and thus does not have a substitute for that spent time, fundamental, which would be available searching for new solutions. Only the technology can help break this factor and then the second barrier appears: resources.

As the manager never had time for new things, the technology has been developed in the company and has always had someone external or internal to put it in place and keep it working. Never was a manager task. Thus, the use of technology has been facilitated in a hand, but has been a barrier of knowledge in the other. How to recover that lost time? Losing time learning about the technology itself will decrease the time left to search for a management tool. No gaining the necessary technology knowledge implies decreased time for finding the solutions. Hence is created the stalemate that paralyzes almost all SMBs managers: response speed to changes. Many give up at this point. But others evolve.

In the frantic search for fast knowledge, the manager then enter into a rapid and total class immersion - online or in presence - that can contribute to build a knowledge base on the technologies which could improve the available resources. Having that, the manager gets an excellent knowledge that must be weighed. The manager begins to understand the roles of the tools in the agility of the process and productivity management and then starts to be confident. With cheaper tools and low technology prices, it's easy to find them and to implement them.

It seems that the manager finally found its way. However, sometimes the technologies are so impressive that can shadow the problem, and the solution is then based on the best technology and not on the best solution. You could say that is part of the evolutionary process, but you should change your mind when you see its consequences: the time studding and generating the knowledge to apply it in the best way for the company is consumed discussing what technology to use, not the best solution for the problem. The manager won up speed, time and resources, but has not yet obtained the best solution.

Technology, Resources and Speed are not everything
The speed and time spent in the search for solutions are, paradoxically, the factors that reduce the alternatives for the application of the solution itself. Let’s explain. The quicker a solution is sought, faster used up, assuming that it is the best solution and thus decreases the search time for solutions more complete, even if it is more complex to use. Being so, it is so quick to adopt and so easy to use that now you find yourself in a management model turned to the solution speed rather than quality. New solutions are then investigated to improve the model and from there, the universe of knowledge starts its expansion. At that time, new solutions are better understood and the manager understands that the solutions must have a time to mature. The manager’s main task evolves from Solution Searcher to Solutions Manager. It extrapolates completely the initial levels of management, destroys old models of success and creates opportunities for new applications with models before slighted by inheritance. Every day becomes a new day and the unsuccessful battles remain in the memory and not blind the strategy for the new ones. It is a completely new world, with terms created daily to explain a group of old stuff applied in a completely innovative way. The roles are played now, aiming up to short and medium terms. The long term will be treated when it comes. It is almost perfect.

Finally a Manager for a Globalised Economics
The new Business Managers, in their humble but highly technological SMB enterprise, face a complex globalised world, where their responsibility goes far beyond their desks at work. The managers must understand today's complex models of action and reaction, of niche markets, its international relations and rules of the macro and micro economies. Their tools go beyond a simple business package like ERPs - Enterprise Resource Plan or CRMs - Client Relationship Management. They are more geared to the solution of complex problems using simple daily solutions, which fall within the company’s economic model and that can be applied at the right time. The distinction of the new manager comes together with the development of new model of education. Graduations classes today are more similar to the outside world than before. Master in Business Management – MBA now is a revolution, containing parts of the solutions applied in different markets, consolidating knowledge which on a traditional method would take almost three generations to be achieved.

The technology arises as an almost invisible, unnoticeable tool, which contributes to a common person to learn and to use it within a day or two. This is the current world where old ideas evolve and are applied daily through technology at the speed of light, but using finite resources and at the right time.

Our role as institutional which foments self-reliance by developing a body of knowledge will ensure that people, courses and businesses would benefit from the continuous improvement and increased quality in corporate management through its excellence. It is beyond corporate responsibility, it is a social responsibility.

Article by Lincoln Rosa, Fábio Pires, Fatima Porcaro & Fatima Torres

AAFM Brazil - Board of Directors
About the Authors

Lincoln Brasil Silva Rosa Ph.D. in Computer Sciences and Master of Sciences in Business Administration (MBA) by University of Cambridge; Master in Computer Sciences by Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; Graduated in Technology by Universidade Estadual de Londrina; Certified Financial Professional by American Academy of Financial Management.

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