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AAFM Articles > Markets > Tackling the Credit business in Iraq and Afghanistan
Credit Issues
Edited By Dr. Mentz
20 November, 2008

SEC Actions During Turmoil in Credit Markets

The mission of the Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation.

During the current turmoil in the credit markets, the SEC has worked closely with the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and other regulators in the U.S. and around the world to protect investors and the markets.

The SEC administers the federal securities laws, requires disclosure by public companies, and brings enforcement actions against securities law violators.

While other federal and state agencies are legally responsible for regulating mortgage lending and the credit markets, the SEC has taken the following decisive actions to address the extraordinary challenges caused by the current credit crisis:

Aggressively Combating Fraud and Market Manipulation Through Enforcement Actions

Taking Swift Action to Stabilize Financial Markets

Enhancing Transparency in Financial Disclosure



About the Authors
Counselor G. S. Mentz founded the American Academy of Financial Management, a global Board of Standards and Certifying body dedicated to improving standards, skills and careers of financial professionals everywhere.
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