Press - GAFM ® Global Academy of Finance and Management ®

August 2014 - GAFM signs global agreement with Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters Training Accreditation Alliance Approved.
July 2014 - GAFM Advisory Council approves Thomson Reuters as a Global Certification Training Provider.
July 2014 - Bangkok University approved as GAFM Chapter Bangkok University - The
International College - Website:
June 2014 -GAFM ® Launches new approved certification training in: Ghana, Dubai UAE, Istanbul Turkey,
Kuwait, Almaty Kazakhstan, Maputo Mozambique, and Saudi Arabia
April 2014 - GAFM launches accredited exam programs for those who want to challenge our exams of: AFA, AMC, AFA
and ChE. These exams and programs are recognized by the New York USA accreditation
authorities. The exams may count toward credits for MBA or other business degree and may transfer worldwide.
March 2014 - New University chapters in Shanghai, Suzhou, Beijing, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Chongqing,
UAE, KSA, MENA, USA, and Kazakhstan, and Hong Kong.
March 2014 - Concordia University Worldwide approved as Chapter.
2014 - GAFM appoints new global advisory council members including advisory members from Higher Level
GAFM is official syndicator of various certification programs.

January 2014 - GAFM Works with Pearson Education for global exam distribution.
January 2014 - India Government recognizes select AAFM designations for investment advising.
Jaunary 2014 - UAE government uses AFA Accredited Financial Analyst credential as a model for certification
training in the USA.
January 2014 - South Africa Government Skills Council agrees to review certifications for qualification
Jan 2014 - New chapters at Abu Dhabi University, UBT College Saudi Arabia , Pfeiffer University becomes new chapter, Tanzania Business School, PBC School of
Finance, Tsinghua University, Shanghai China, Universidad de Santander, Virtual University at Monterrey Tech
Mexico, MISR University Egypt, Bangkok University, and the Arab Institute for Accountants and Legal.
December 2013 - Royal Society of Fellows recognizes the AFA Accredited Financial Analyst program as one of the
Academy of Financial Management alliance program.
July 2013 - Consulting with Securities and Commodities Agency of UAE United Arab Emirates.
June - Select Programs approved by the Supreme Council of Egypt
May 2013 - GAFM Launches new programs in Asia and Africa. Program meets with success for VIP executive
training worldwide.
Feb 2013 - Several GAFM credentials featured in the: U. S. Department of Labor,
Employment and Training Administration
Jan 2013 - GAFM Discloses its AFA ® and AMA ® credentials and standards to the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority.
Jan 2013 - Advisory Board Meetings in San Diego.
2012 - The Academy Recognizes the best ACCREDITED finance and accounting degrees in the world.
See List
Nov 2012 - The GAFM Board consults with US Federal Government on Finance, Business and
Management Careers and The Future for the 5th year.
July 2012 - The GAFM Body agrees to consult with United Nations again and work with the
Public Finance and Trade Programmes. See UN Civil
Latest GAFM ® Press Releases and Diplomatic Alliances
Jan 2012 - GAFM ® Consulting with World Bank for greater outreach and NGO

Jan 2012 - GAFM cooperates with UAE Securities Authority for educational standards where leaders at
SCA join GAFM Advisory Council for higher global standards.
Dec 2011 - GAFM® GAFM Consults again with US Department of Labor to assist people with
Financial Careers and Job Information.

Dec 2011 - Academy Members Consult and works with with UNITAR United Nations Training on Anti
Money Laundering Training

Nov 2011 - Academy builds alliances in Asia, Latin America and Brazil assisting corporations and
governments with standards.
Sept 2011 - California Labor Department Includes GAFM in its labor guide.
- US Government Sponsored Certification Guide Includes GAFM Certifications.
Read about our Designations in the IBD Investors Business Daily Finance Dictionary at
April 2011 - New Graduates from: Bolivia, Chile, USA, Taiwan, Korea, China, Africa and the MENA.

April 2011 - GAFM ® recognized by Global Certifications Council, Certification Intelligence, and
Certification DegreeDirectory
April 2011 - GAFM listed as top 2 organizations for US Certification in Finance by
April 2011 - GAFM included in list of Top Certifications in the ACFE Association of Certified Fraud
April 2011 - GAFM ® and the Economist Association are featured in

March 2011 - GAFM ® Founder - Prof. George Mentz named to the "Dream Team of Wealth Management" for
Advanced Markets Intelligence.
Jan 2011 - New Handbook and Annual Report
Jan 2011 - Academy Included in All Financial Advisors Authoritative
Jan 2011 - ACADEMY Included in the E-how Money Guide
Jan 2011 - GAFM establishes the Global - American Academy of Business and Management - Trademarked
in Colorado USA
Jan 2011 - Academy recognized by School of Banking and Financial Management in Egypt
Dec 2010 - Member Advancement - GAFM ® Fellow and Certified Member T.J. Turner appointed to IRS
Commission Committee. CNBC Business Wire, Morningstar
Dec. 2010 - GAFM ® establishes new South African Alliance with -IITF International Institute for Tax and
Dec 2010 - GAFM International Board of Standards - Included in the references and publications of:
Department of Labor, Financial Authority Reference Guides, Investopedia, California Department of Labor,
Member of Institute of Credential Excellence, and US Congressional Testimony.

News Nov 2010 - GAFM ® Offering Programs Internationally and 1st in the world to have Certification Programs with a USA
Accredited Law School and Post Graduate Program.
News October - GAFM ® Executive Board Meetings in New York and London.
News October - GAFM ® Recognized as the Certification backed by Accredited Education By the Wall Street
Journal. Various GAFM Certifications Featured by WSJ in their official reference guide. GAFM ® and CWM ® Featured also in the
2010 Forbes owned Investopedia Financial Dictionary:
The GAFM legal offices provided a list of government approved & accredited programs, approved law
school certification courses, evidenced consent forms from all relevant honorary advisors, and other
evidence & documentation about the CFA/CFP trademark agreements and Hon. Awards to the WSJ.
Documentation Here:
Oct 2010 - AAFM - Benziga
Media Features GAFM Certification Programs as the key promoter to mandate Accredited Education and
exams from government approved institutions for credentials. Read
Oct 2010 - GAFM Designations and Graduate Requirements Featured in Wall Street Journal - See Designations in the WSJ - WSJ Wall Street Journal Reference Guide Lists GAFM ®
Designations along with outlining our AAFM ® graduate education requirements. See Link
August 2010
August 2010 - GAFM CEO, Prof. Mentz of the Thomas Jefferson School of Law Graduate Program, has been
added to the Panel of Experts for Advisor FX. Summit Media's - National Underwriter Co. and it's media
companies have been providing services and research to the financial industry for 100 Years.

July - AAFM
July 2010, UK London - Academy Board Meetings in London. Met with directors and deans about MBA and law
school articulations with new schools.
July - Academy South Asia Expansions
July 2010, Singapore – Academy ® Asia is pleased to announce the accreditation of Financial & Biz-Ed
Consultants (FBC) as our new training provider for Academy’s Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM ®) program.
Academy ® Asia congratulates FBC on this accreditation and looks forward to a successful collaboration!
June - Academy Sponsors Conferences in China and Latin American Nov. 2010.
May 2010 Academy ® As seen in the 2010 Forbes and Investopedia Financial Dictionary: CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® - CTEP Chartered Trust And Estate Planner - CPM Chartered Portfolio Manager - CAM Chartered Asset Manager - AAFM American Academy Of Financial Management ®
March 2010 - The University of Atlanta becomes new GAFM American Academy Chapter. - Graduates from the
the University of Atlanta Finance programs are eligible to apply for MFP Master Financial Professional
Certification. Dr. R.-L. Etienne Barnett, PhD, MFP, ChE, will be be the Chairperson in charge of
nominations and approvals for applications to the AAFM for board certifications and charters awarded by the
American Academy. See Press Release
Feb. 2010 - News: The AAFM ® Board USA works again this year with US Government to provide
opinion and insights on financial innovation, reform, and employment analysis. The AAFM ® Board - Academic
Standards and Quality Commission to lead this AAFM® Task Force.
Feb. 2010 - GAFM ® Academic Alliance Articulation with Aristotle University Graduate programs and
Aristotle Law School- Prof. Dr. Tom. Gionis of USA and Greece and Prof Mentz agreed to the mutual cross
recognition and terms. Read more about
Aristotle The programs at Aristotle Law School and Aristotle University will count for educational
credit toward certifications
Jan. 2010 - AAFM ® continues international alliance with The GAFM © Global Institute of Finance and
Management Training and Consulting. The GIFM was chartered & founded by industry professionals, Revenue
Professionals, Lawyers, CPAs & government officials.
Jan. 2010 - AAFM ® Now working with Pan Asia Companies, UK Training, The International Tax Institute,
The Securities and Commerce Institute, OET India.
DEC. 2009 AAFM ® Forms diplomatic Alliance with Egyptian Finance Institute.
DEC. 2009 AAFM ® Cooperating with China Government for Existing and New Certifications in Finance.
Nov. 2009 AAFM ® Rolls out its New Law School Certification
Nov. 2009 AAFM ® CEO - Prof Dr. Mentz joins the Advisory Board for the International Association of
Qualified Financial Planners as Chair of the Education Committee
Oct. 1st 2009 - AAFM ® becomes 1st in the world to achieve 100% transparency, listing, membership
recognition and disclosure with : NBEA, ISBE, AACSB, ACBSP, RSOF, ANSI, AABFS, IIFM, UNESCO, DOE, DOL, IBA,
Sept 2009 - AAFM USA Global Board Celebrates 10 Years as a Chartered Board of Standards. Before that,
the AAFMA USA was the founding organization in the United States.
September 2009 - New Offices in: Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Brazil.
August 2009 - AAFM is Honorary Co-Host of China Finance
Forum - Leaders from AAFM agree to serve as advisory members.
August 2009 - AAFM Signs Middle East Alliance with Arab Academy of Banking and Financial
Sciences. See Press Release - AAFM
and AABFS will be offering joint certification programs in 17 Arab Countries of the Arab League. Prof.
Mentz will co-chair the new Arab Academy Certification Board that was chartered under the alliance.
August 2009 - AAFM Sponsors 3 law school scholarships for special courses at TJSL. The Judge Byrnes and
Judge Mentz Memorial Scholarships will be assisting the best and brightest in achieving legal
Aug. 2009 - AAFM Sponsors the Best Paper Award for Latin America Conference.
News New Offices in South Africa with TRM and ITI
News: The AAFM are global sponsors of the IX
IFC International Finance Conference, this time to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Please visit the
Conference’s website at:
News: Chartered Economist Graduate Inauguration
News: AAFM forms alliance with the WMSCC Wealth Management Standards Council of China and AAFM Board
members are appointed as new members to the board.
News: AAFM "non profit" Asia is the new representative of the AAFM Board for managing membership. AAFM
Asia is based in Singapore, Beijing, and Delhi, India.
News: AABFS is the new Middle East representative of the AAFM
Board in the UAE for issuing secure certification.
News: The Indian Presidential Advisors have recognized the AAFM with a letter of positive estimation and
full recommendation from the advisors of the President and Prime Minister of India.
Alert - Former training sub-chapter in Dubai Knowledge Village loses its Global Recognition. Trainer
Certificates and Diplomas printed in Dubai or Africa are NOT recognized by the "AAFM Board of Standards and
Presidential Commissioners" The AAFM Council of Justice has also made a determination to mandate that all
training must be by a licensed and registered company. Any phony emails from www.aafm.ORG or
are from an unrecognized hacker group who are Phishing for money ..
News: AAFM International Board of Standards enters cross recognition with Egyptian Finance Association
in Cairo which has governmental recognition from the Capital Markets Authority.
News: AAFM International Board of Standards officially recognized by the Indian Finance Institute and
the Indian Business Academy. Prof Mentz and Dean Byrnes added to the Advisory Board of the India
News Only the US Board and Commissioners at can issue authentic certifications. The Dubai
training group has zero recognition from anyone and has been closed. The government recognized AABFS is now
in charge of supervising certification in the UAE
News: AAFM Establishes the Chartered Certified Economists Board of Standards. 500 New members join this
News: AAFM has new partners in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Asia.
News: AAFM Articulation with JIU Jones International MBA
January 29, 2009 - University of California Silicon Valley Awarded Prestigious Chapter Membership and
Recognition from Key International Project Management Organizatio
AAFM Training India and China Institute of Financial Markets
January 22, 2009
AAFM Expands Training Distribution through Global Channels.
AAFM & AAFM India, IIFM, IBA, BLB and BIFM Alliance offers: New Offices in Mumbai/Bombay, Delhi,
Chennai, Kolkata and more.
July 2010 - The Economics Certifying Board celebrates a decade of service in recognizes
government recognized and accredited education as a certification path.
Jan 2009 - The Boards approved Management credentials featured in featured in: Forbes News, The
Business Wire, Reuters Global News, EuroInvestor News UK, Yahoo Finance, Morningstar News, Digital50 News, Direkt
Broker Germany News, Ad Hoc News, Centre Daily News, Earth Times, Yahoo News, University of California News, NEWS, Express Computers Business News in India, and more.
Jan 2008 - Expansion of approved programs in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
April 2007 - Committee Meetings in New York City with representatives from other countries
Feb. 2007 - New Degree Programs selected and
Jan. 2006 - Advisory meetings held in Asia to establish global standards
Dec. 2004 - Global Advisory Board meets in Europe for discussions on international relations.
2000 - IBS GBM forms alliance with the Graduate Leadership Institute. IBS now offers Sales Management Training
and Certification.
1998 - A board of standards for certification created to mandate high standards in certification.
1997 - The academy chartered. The designation standards established.
1996 - The Financial Analyst and Tax credentials created and founded.