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by GARP This publication is for AAFM Fellows And Affiliates only

Regulatory compliance is the top concern of investment management firms that are making a push to enhance risk management, and credit risk is the largest risk management challenge facing these buy-side institutions – most of which use in-house systems and staff to source risk management calculations.....


• Buy-Side Risk Survey Results • May Survey Spotlights Independent Valuations • Coming Soon: GARP's 4th Credit & Counterparty Risk Summit in London and GARP's 2nd Credit & Counterparty Risk Summit of the Americas in New York • 2004 FRM Setting Registration Records • On the Horizon: Asia-Pacific Convention • Career Center Update • GARP Risk Review Asks for "Letters to the Editor" • Wanted: Book Reviews and Career News for GARP Risk Review • Chapter Meetings • Advertisements

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 15
Category : Risk Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-05-14
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