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by GARP This publication is for AAFM Fellows And Affiliates only

• Understanding why hedge funds fail and overcoming industry pitfalls • Adapting to the requirements for greater transparency • Regulating the hedge fund industry: changes and challenges • Implementing a UCITS II compliant framework


• Coming Soon: GARP’s 3rd Hedge Fund and Asset Management Forum • FRM Registration Sees Explosive Growth; Exam Date Almost Here • Credit Modelling Events On Tap for London and New York • September/October Issue of GARP Risk Review Now Live • On the Horizon: GARP’s 4th Annual Operational Risk Seminar • GARP’s Career Center Adds Interesting New Job Openings • GARP 2005: Great Speakers and Interesting Panels Will Highlight the Association’s 6th Annual Convention and Exhibition • Advertisements

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 7
Category : Risk Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-10-14
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