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by GARP This publication is for AAFM Fellows And Affiliates only

Banks and other institutions are facing a number of obstacles that could potentially block the path to Basel II success. From a credit risk perspective, data aggregation (30 percent) poses the largest challenge, followed closely by capital allocation calculation (25 percent) and deployment of new technology (22 percent), according to survey respondents......


Basel II Survey: Breaking Down the Results • GARP Appoints New RDs in Four Locations • Letters to the Editor: Feedback Wanted for May/June GRR! • On the Horizon: GARP's 2nd Annual Asia-Pacific Convention • 2005 Training Courses and Panels • Coming Soon: Profiles of FRM Holders • GARP Gains CPE Approval • Advertisements

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 8
Category : Risk Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2005-07-17
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