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by GARP This publication is for AAFM Fellows And Affiliates only

Following the huge success of the first five annual Conventions, GARP is pleased to announce that the 6th Annual Convention & Exhibition will be held in New York on January 31 – February 3, 2005. GARP would like to thank the lead and technology sponsor, Standard & Poor’s Risk Solutions, the lead sponsor, SAS, the associate sponsor, FitchRisk, and the FRM cocktail reception sponsor, Wiley’s, for their enthusiastic support for this event....


• GARP 2005: 6th Annual Convention and Exhibition Coming Soon! • FRM Registration Soaring as Global Exam Date Nears • Almost Here: GARP’s 3rd Annual Hedge Fund and Asset Management Forum Will Feature Great Speakers and Informative Workshops • New York and London Prep for Credit Modelling Events • GARP’s 4th Annual Operational Risk Seminar Set for Takeoff • Basel II & Banking Regulation • Free Access to Select Stories in the Sept/Oct Issue of GRR • Chapter Meetings • Advertisements

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 10
Category : Risk Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2004-11-14
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