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by GARP This publication is for AAFM Fellows And Affiliates only

High level presentations by senior regulators from the MAS, HKMA, BIS, as well as the Bank Indonesia. In addition, specialized focused presentations and case studies that affect your day-to-day business needs and requirements. Senior risk managers presenting at this event will come from Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, The United States, Indonesia, India, Germany and New Zealand....


• Asia-Pacific Convention: Last Chance to Register for Premier Risk Event in Far East! • On the Horizon: GARP's 3rd Annual Asset Management Forum in London • 4th Annual GARP Operational Risk Seminar Set for Luxembourg • GARP 2005 Annual Convention – Just Around the Corner • GARP Risk Review: Free Peek at Selected Stories in the July/Aug Issue • Reader Feedback Wanted for GRR • Chapter Meetings • Advertisements

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 7
Category : Risk Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2004-09-14
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