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by AAFM Faculty This publication is for AAFM Fellows only

The formal study guide for the Chartered Wealth Manager program and accompanying examination


Developing a Wealth Management Plan ......................................................................... 3 The Critical Disciplines .................................................................................................... 6 Investment Vehicles ........................................................................................................ 8 Basic economic concepts - Economics for the Wealth Management Professional ....... 15 Investments: An Introduction......................................................................................... 29 Introduction to portfolio management............................................................................ 35 Managing investments and creating an investment portfolio.........................................43 Investment Policy and Performance.............................................................................. 45 Ratios Used to Analyze Financial Statements............................................................... 46 The basic tools of estate planning................................................................................. 53 Basic estate planning techniques.................................................................................. 56 Insurance and Risk Management.................................................................................. 57 Wealth Management Sales and Client Management .................................................... 73 Credit and Debt Management Credit and Debt and Leverage Management for the Wealth Management Professional ................................................................................ 78 Wealth Management Client Evaluation Forms .............................................................. 93 Financial Calculations and Decision Making Tools ..................................................... 106

Access : For Fellow
Pages : 123
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2004-07-01
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