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Too much concentration?
by Merrill Anderson - Park National Bank [More Info]

Despite the proven risk-reducing benefits of diversification, many portfolios are underdiversified. A concentrated stock position is natural for the founder of a company, or for executives who are ex..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 2
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-05-13
Learning to live with risk
by Merrill Anderson - Park National Bank [More Info]

People who are averse to risk often consider cash investments such as money market funds and CDs to be worry free, “safe” investments. But ever-present inflation—even low inflation—eats into t..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 2
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-04-13
The fine art of rebalancing your portfolio
by Merrill Anderson - Park National Bank [More Info]

Your asset allocation decision establishes the percentages of your portfolio dedicated to various asset classes—stocks, bonds, cash and, perhaps, other less traditional investment vehicles. That dec..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 2
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-03-13
Q & A: Planning for required IRA withdrawals
by Merrill Anderson - Park National Bank [More Info]

There’s a fundamental rule that applies to tax-favored retirement plans such as IRAs: At some time tax deferral must end and distributions begin. To put teeth into the command that retirement asset..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 3
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-02-27
An Introduction to Estate Planning
by Jeremiah W. Doyle, IV, Esq. [More Info]

Many people have questions about estate planning. From the importance of writing a will to the pitfalls of probate and the basic estate plan for married couples, this article seeks to answer questions..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 20
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2005-12-29
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