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Building the global bank: An interview with Jamie Dimon
by Clayton G. Deutsch - McKinsey & Company [More Info]

In this interview, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J. P. Morgan Chase (JPMC), discusses the challenges of postmerger integration, dealing with risk, and the traits of successful leaders......

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 9
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-30
The World Wealth Report - Executive Strategy Planning Workshop
by CapGemini/Merrill Lynch [More Info]

The report typically includes three sections: „ Market sizing and review of global economic drivers impacting the HNWI behavior „ Investing behavior and asset allocation trends of the HNWIs..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 1
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-30
Asset Class Review and Commentary
by Mellon [More Info]

After more than two years of steady and gradual increases, on August 8th the Federal Reserve Board decided to hold short-term interest rates unchanged at 5.25%. Announcing its decision, the Fed indica..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 3
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-29
The Asset Management Industry: A Growing Gap between the Winners and the Also-Rans
by McKinsey & Company [More Info]

In this report we have identified five major pressure points that are now spurring change in the asset management industry.........

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 22
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-28
Changing Equity Premium Implications for Wealth Management Portfolio Design and Implementation
by Harold Evensky [More Info]

The wealth management investment model of diversified multi-asset-class/style portfolios, implemented by selecting style-consistent active managers, has served wealth manager clients well. However, d..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 13
Category : Wealth Management
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-27
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