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by Choice Alternative Investments [More Info]

The National Bureau of Economic Research (“NBER”) in the USA confirmed that the US economy commenced its recession in December 2007 (NBER indicators and December ’07 time circled in red to the r..

Access : For Public
Pages : 2
Category : Markets
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-12-21
by Markaz Research [More Info]

GCC stock markets recorded one of its worst month-on-month (MoM) performances in 2008 in the month of November. The recession in developed economies and slowdown in emerging markets brought down oil p..

Access : For Public
Pages : 20
Category : Markets
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-12-04
by Choice Alternative Investments [More Info]

The past few months have experienced some of the largest bankruptcies, failures, and bailouts of financial institutions in history. According to Bloomberg News, for the period October 2007-2008, the v..

Access : For Public
Pages : 15
Category : Markets
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-12-01
by HSBC Global Research [More Info]

All Gulf equity markets fell in one of the poorest trading weeks on record. The Dubai market led the decline, losing 25% of market cap in five days, though it was Kuwait that became the first market t..

Access : For Public
Pages : 29
Category : Markets
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-11-19
by HSBC Global Research [More Info]

We are often asked what sign would be an indication that markets conditions are normalising. One pre-condition needed is that the macro economic environment must matter again on a day-to-day basis...

Access : For Public
Pages : 11
Category : Markets
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-11-19
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