The GCC markets continue to reel under pressure due to the negative global sentiments. All the MSCI GCC indices ended the month of July on a negative note. MSCI Kuwait was the best performer with a mo..
Europe and Japan have recoupled to the US downturn, and emerging economies look set to slow, too. Markets have jumped to the conclusion that lower oil prices and slower growth will lead to a very sha..
A scenario analysis: If oil goes to $200/bblThe Goldman Sachs global energy team expects WTI to average $118 and $140/bbl in 2008 and 2009, with the possibility of a spike to $150-200/bbl over the nex..
As Asia embarks on the earnings season, it will be met by the perfect storm — Asian profit margins have for a while suffered from the ill effects of the poor terms of trade. In the past, productivit..
In our opinion, the past few months have seen the full flowering of the international credit and liquidity contraction. For decades, and particularly since the beginning of the millennium, low intere..
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