GAFM ® Board and Global Advisory Council
* The Global Council assists in recommendations of standards, accreditation of
schools and nominations of new members.
Structure – The GAFM IBS International Board of
Standards Supreme Council, and the advisory council are currently made up of international experts, professors,
and business executives from over 50 nations. The Board structure and framework has been
dictated by US Laws Statutes and International regulations since inception. Below
also is our Supreme Council and Board of Presidential Advisors along with our HGAB Honorary
Global Advisory Board. We are ESQ Accredited – ISO 9001 Certified for Quality and ISO 29990
Certified for Training Worldwide in Europe.
Sincerely and Kindest Regards,
Comm'r Dr. jur. George Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM® – The Founder, GAFM ® Board of Standards –
CEO, – Pioneer of the GAFM ® /IBS Brands * United States & Europe.
GAFM ® Board of Standards Supreme Council
Global Certification Standards and Quality Assurance

- Professor Dr. Roberto J. Santillán Salgado - Master of Science in
Finance Program at EGADE-ITESM, Monterrey Campus – Founder ® Latin South America
- Commissioner Prof. Dr./Jur. George S Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM®, DSS –
CEO USA – Board of Standards – Lic. Counselor of Law and Notary Public*** US Commissioner 2019-2022 -
Doctor of Jurisprudence/JD, MBA Master of Business Administration, Licensed Counselor of Law, Licensed Notary
Public USA, Federal Courts Colorado, LA USA, KSG Order of St. George Habsburg Lorraine White House
Presidential Scholars Commission (Ret), Airport Commission, Civil Service Commission ; Frhr. Lord
Seigneur of the Fief Blondel UK - QAHE Board of Quality Standards Inst., ELCBS Business Schools Board, TRE
Board. - (Passed NASD/FINRA licenses Series 7,63, 65 with Clean U-5 former licensed) (Awarded Honorary DSS
& Doctorate from The Emerson Institute)
- Prof. Dr. Fauzi Hasan, CWM - Global Advisory Board - Indonesia President and
Professor - Special Counselor for Global Certification Programs
- (Prof) Dr. Shpend Imeri – General Manager at HLTI High Level
Training Institute. Doctorate of Science in Management (Quality Management)* Special Advisor for Certification
- Dr. Ciro Martinez II, PhD, JD, LLM, MBA, CWM® , MFP, CEC – Hon. Academic Standards – Law Certification Program
- Carl Thong, MBA, CWM ®, MFP – ® Asia (President of Asia Standards and
Accreditation) – Founder Asia Chapter & Training 美国金融管理学会
- Dr. Ishaq Shafiq – PhD, MFP, ChE,
CMFMP Certified Municipal Finance Management Practitioner –
Global Advisor – USA and ACCE Economists – Quantum Consultants USA. Royal Society of Fellows
- Dr. Cornell Collins, PhD, MPM, CIPM, BCSH, CPM, CHt. – Bahamas, India
and Canada – Global Advisor and AAPM® – India, Canada, Bahamas
- Salvagni Enrico, Dr Eng
– MSEE Chartered Environmentalist (UK), MIEnvSc Chartered Scientist (UK),MIET (UK), IPF (
F) MPM ® , FAAPM ®, CIPM ®, (USA) MI-Membre Individuel des
Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France (Cote d’Azur ), President of AAPM ® Italy EU
Offices-AAPM ® EU Chapter Vice President of The Association of British Engineers in
Italy Italian Representative- California University FCE
- Dott. Eur Ing Iuzzolini Saverio – Chartered Environmentalist (UK), MSEE (UK),MIET (UK),IPF
(F) MPM ® , FAAPM ™, CIPM ®, (USA)Membre des Ingénieurs et
Scientifiques de France de la Côte d’Azur (IESF CA) President International of The
Association of British Engineers in Italy Vice-President of AAPM ® Italy EU Offices-AAPM ® EU Chapter
- Bernard Leiceaga Ipf, GAFM Board of Honorary Global Advisors and
Fellow of the Academy, Expert près la cour d’appel d’Aix en Provence, Expert près la cour administrative
d’appel de Marseille, President compagnie d’experts de la CAA de bordeaux. Administrateur UCEJAM, Ingénieur
Ipf, inscrit au RIS, Administrateur SNIPF chargé de l’international, Administrateur IESF CA, Administrateur
IHEDN (défense nationale), Administrateur UNP ( parachutiste Armees – LTColonel RC)
- Datuk Seri Professor Sean Rozario, KStJ (Justice), PhD, MBA, MFP, AFA, FAD, CWM,
MFC, Doctorate Fellow, EMBA, MBA Certification – SME Subject Matter Expert and Curriculum Chair –
Banking & Finance – Management -Human Resources - Education – Singapore Asia - Knight of St. John
- EU Special Advisor: ING.MAGNANI Jean François - President of SNIPF
(Société Nationale des Ingénieurs Professionnels de France) – Past President IPF (French Professional Engineers
association) of the SRIPF for Paris area – Administrator, Board member of IESF IDF (Ingénieur et Scientifiques
de France, Région Ile de France) / for the Paris area - Mechanical Engineer /Special mention in fluid dynamics
and hydraulic applications systems-(Fr) - Retired Vice President European Operations of Oilgear USA
(Milwaukee-WIS-USA) and JFM CONSULTING (Fr) - IPF certified -Ingénieur Professionnel de France /mechanical and
hydraulic-Expert large systems -(SNIPF/Société Nationale des Ingénieurs Professionnels de France)- MPM
certified ( Master Project Management) and CIPM certified (International Project Management- (USA/AAPM Global
standards) - MBA (Master in Business Administration) CUFCE - HonABEI (Association of British engineers in Italy
Honorary Member)- Accademico Onorario dell'Accademia Bonifaciana (IT)- Médaille de la recherche /Médaille du
Progrès (Fr).
- Dr. Amir Dhia, PhD summa cum laude, MA, BA, CCTM, ASMEC - Director General of
University of Business and Technology (UBT) Executive Education, Assistant Professor at the UBT College of
Business Administration (CBA), MBA Programs, Jeddah, former Dean at INSEEC Management and Communication
Schools, former Program Director of INSEEC MBA in Business Diplomacy (Prix de l’Innovation 2015, Eduniversal)
and in MBA Marketing and Communication, Paris, Professor at the Center of Diplomatic and Strategic Studies
(CEDS, Paris), Professor of the Year 2009 at the Department of Diplomacy and Strategic Negotiations of the
University of Paris VI, Jean Monnet College, Legal Translation Expert, Specialist in the Information and
Knowledge Society, Accredited SME Consultant (Association of Accredited Small Business Consultants, USA),
Chartered Certification in Talent Management (Global Academy of Finance and Management, USA), Distinguished
Leadership Development Program Certification (l’École nationale d'administration, ENA, Paris).
- Prof. Dr. Pedro M. Martins, B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD/DBA, MBC, Chartered Fellow CIPD,
Dean at EABS - Euro American Business School, Singularity University member; CEO at PMhub, AgileTXlab and
PM International Consulting. Former President of OAB - National Association of Consultants of Brazil and IPCG -
National Association of Management Consultants of Portugal and Director of ABRH-SP - National Association of
Human Resources of Brazil – São Paulo / Brasil and Lisbon / Portugal - Board of Honorary Global Advisory
- Dr Eng.Thierry ROUX, CEO of Cybersecurity Company, MSc in Information Systems
UTC-Paris-Sorbonne, PhD in Engineering Sciences California University, Post-Graduate in Economy and Management
Paris Ouest University, On Board in Innovation Funds for French Investments for the future. Member Advisor of
Startup Weekend.
- Dr. David Wimberly CPA*, CLU, ChFC, AEP, Sc.D., Dr. Habil., LL.D., CWM, MPM, CIPM, CPE,
EMBA Founder/ CEO / Senior Managing Director
Member, Supreme Council, GAFM Board of Standards 2020 – present, Member, Aspen Commission 2024 - present,
Commissioner, Supreme Board of Royal Society of Fellows – RSOF and Member of the RSOF Board of Governors 2024 –
present, Board Certified in Politics 2024 – present, Board Certified in Philosophy 2024 – present, Board
Certified in Diplomacy 2024 – present, Fellow, Academy of Diplomacy 2024 – present Member, Academy of Analysts
and Councilors 2024 – present, Commissioner, Commission on International Relations 2024 – present , Member,
Certified Leadership Academy 2024 – present , Member, Council on Diplomatic Relations 2024 – present, Board of
Advisors as well as inducted into the American Academy of Project Management.
- Dr. Ruby Chua, EdD, MBA, MPM, PME, CIPM, CCAI - Director of Technology Training
Center & Project Management Professional Program. Financial Planner/Analyst, Busines Developer/Advisor,
AAPM Global Advisory Board, CEANY - Interim Treasurer CUNY City (Special Advisor for Project

** The IBS International Board of Standards and Exam Center is ESQ Accredited and ISO Certified for
Quality and ISO Certified for Training. * Super Board of Standards is responsible for the administrative decisions
for the Global Certification and Accreditation Operations which are subject to the bylaws and government statutes
** Faculty Award Winners, Honorary Advisors and general members can not legally speak for the organization nor
counsel or advise the organization in any legal capacity.
GAC Global Advisory Council
The GAC Global Advisory Council is primarily made up of volunteer participation from industry
leaders and academics who wish to contribute positively to industry and standards development and globally
includes more than 50 professionals of the highest caliber in the areas of engineering, law, quality, human
resources, marketing, business, risk, finance, banking, economics, and other business disciplines, led by
an elected Board of Presidential Advisors from Europe, Asia, India, Africa, Arabia, and The United States.
The Global Advisory Council for GAFM ® is composed of 50 member professionals including faculty from
several universities, financial executives and managers, lawyers, judges, and world renowned financial
planning practitioners. 10 Doctorate level professionals sit on our academic committee overseeing standards
and ethics. GAFM ® was begun by executives and faculty to provide financial education and certification
worldwide through the use of executive training. The GAFM ® Board of Standards is a honorary voluntary
board that creates the standards for professional membership and charter board certifications. The Board of
Standards USA ™ owns the intellectual property, copyrights, designations, and marks used herein. The Board,
since 1998 has giving preference to CHEA and ISO Accreditation guidelines worldwide.
GAM ™ Board of Honorary Global Advisors and Hon. Global Advisory Council
Global Board of Academic Advisors & Professors * Award
- Dr. Lincoln B. S. Rosa, PhD, MBA, CompTIA ITProject+ SME, AAPM Member, IEC Fellow, ICECC,
MCSE, Chair of GAFM Brazil, President of Silva Rosa Group. **
- Prof. Dr. Niels Schnecker, PhD, MFM, CCE Managing Senior Partner, Schnecker van Wyk &
Pearson – Romania
- Dr. George (Jorge) Monray, D.B.A, CRA Chartered Risk Analyst, M.B.A., MCIM.
Professor at the Institute for American Universities (IAU), US, Spain, France.
- Dr Fred Wu - DBA, MBA, ChPM, CSM, CMS, CTEP - Co-founder & CEO of GE Consult Asia Sdn
Bhd, CEO of DDG International Berhad, President of Institute of Entrepreneurship & Management Asia
(INSEMA), Partner of iPivot Sdn Bhd, Former Corporate Consultant for Brahim's SATS, TNB-REV, FELCRA,
FRIM and KPRJ. Former Independent Advisory Judge of Top Business Excellence Awards Malaysia, Former
Associate Consultant of ENACTUS-UNM (University Nottingham of Malaysia). Former Global Advisory
Committee Member of Startup Funding Fest India. Former Mentor of Global Youth Entrepreneur Challenge
Camp (University Nottingham of Malaysia). Member/Fellow of CFA Society Malaysia, Project Management
Institute (PMI), Branding Association of Malaysia (BAM), The Malaysian Doctorate Organisation.
- Dat V La, EA, Federal Tax practitioner, MBA, MSPA, NTPI - National Tax Institute
Fellow, CTRS - Certified Tax Resolution, AMA - Accredited Management Accountant, AFA - Accredited
Financial Analyst, AMC - Accredited Management Consultant, CAML - Certified Anti-Money Laundering,
CCA/CCO - Certified Compliance Analyst, CCC - Certified Cost Controller, ChBA - Chartered Business
Analyst, CITA - Certified International Tax Analyst, CSA - Certified Strategic Auditor, MFP - Master
Financial Planner, MMC - Master Management Consultant, President of DTL LLC - Honorary Global
- Dr. Larkland Morley Ph.D. CEng FCMI AMC - Technology Leader, UK Chartered Engineer,
Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and BCS Chartered Qualifications Assessor
- Natasha N J Andrews FCCA, CA, MMC, CIPM, BSc- Business Modeling and Execution Coach &
Consultant at KEY Coaching Services, Trinidad, WI.
- Dr. E. Oestriecher, CEC, A.A., B.E.S. M.Ed., Ph.D., N.D.. E-Business Executive, Booze
Allen Hamilton – Anapolis, MD, USA
- LaTesa Collier, MBA, MS (Strategic Finance), AFA, AMA, AMC - Honorary Global Advisory
- Maria Dulcita A. Lee, MSc, CTEP, AMA, MMC - KPMG US - Hon. Global Advisor
- Dr. Prasoom Dwivedi, Ph.D. Ch.E. MFP, RFS, Member & Fellow GAFM – Senior Associate
Professor & Head, Department of Economics and International Business – Head, Center for Energy
Economics Research – College of Management and Economics Studies – University of Petroleum and Energy
Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 248007
- Stephen M. Harano, CFEI®, MSFS®, RICP®, CAP®, ChFM®, AFA®. Founder & CEO, ; Helping others to forge the foundation
of their financial freedom.
- Tony Scatliffe II BSc CE & M., (Mediator) CIPM., MPM., GAFM., AMA., MCP., RBA., MQM.,
CPC., Honorable Global Advisor-US
- President/Prof. Dr. Chung-Liang Huang (Vincent Huang ) , Ph.D., MFP, CWM, RFS, RBA-
Taiwan – University President – Hon. Global Advisor
- Mr. Christopher Jenkins, BAS (Management), MA (Management), MPM, CMRP, CIPM,MMC, FAAPM –
Honorary Global Advisory Council
- Dr. Tiffany Jordan, DBA, MBS, M.S., B.S, M.Ed (ABD), AMC, CHR, CLC, Hon. Global Advisor,
University Chair/Professor/Advisor, Publisher/Reviewer, Apostille Agent, Notary Public, Founder of GBT
Soft Skills Global Training Company – USA, Colombia and Global.
- Dr J. R. Achoanya Ayam, DBA, MSc. CEMBA, BSc, CIMA Adv.Dip.MA, CIPM, AMC, Financial,
Management and Accounting Systems Consultant.
- Dr. Abdelmounaim Lahrech, PhD, ChE, AFA
- Dr. J. Hudson Garrett Jr., PhD, MSN, MPH, FNP-BC, CSRN, VA-BC™, DON-CLTC™, C-NAC™, CDONA,
FACDONA, PLNC- Hon. Global Advisory Council
- Mr. Patrick Ssekidde, MAEPP (MAK), Dip Performance Audit (AFROSAI-E, Tanzania), ChE
(GAFM), PMP (PMI-USA), PGD M&E (UMI), Member Uganda Evaluations Association (UEA), Specialized
Auditor-Supreme Audit Institution of Uganda (OAG)-Honorary Global Advisor
- Michelle Deitrich, MA, BS, CHRD, MCP, CCP, HRPM, CIPM, CHRA, MBC - Hon. Global
Advisory Council
- Andreas Lehnhofer, MBA, AMC – Hon. Global Advisor USA Europe
- Dr. George L. Salis, PhD. LLM, LLB (Hons), BS, FAD, MFM, CWM® ,
MFP Mas. Fin. Prof., CEPA Honorary Advisor
- Prof. Dr. C. Bergström Stockholm School of Economics Department of Finance Head of the
EFI (Economic Research Institute at the Stockholm School of Economics)
- Direktor: Prof. Dr. D. Sondermann, MFP Mas. Fin. Prof. ™ Universität Bonn – Institut für
Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Dr. Carlo Jean Chalhoub, Ph.D in Economics and Political Science, Claremont Graduate
university, California. USA. - Honorary Global Advisor
- Prof. Dr. G. J. Charreaux Universite de Bourgogne Dijon Cedex, Bourgogne 21066 France
MFP™ Mas. Fin. Prof.™
- Dr. Paulo Jorge Araújo do Vale, MBA, CEFA®, CIPM®, ChE®, Post Graduate Capital Markets,
Degree in Economics and Managment, Member of the Association of Portuguese Economists.
- Marcus Egbiki, MFP, CHFM - Hon. Global Advisor
James S. Galco, J.D., LL.M (Tax), CTEP® , CWM®,
Operations Manager, Trust & Investment Services, Honorary Global Advisor
- Hon. Dr. Ishaq Shafiq, PhD, MFP, CEPA -Master Financial Prof. Quantum III Consultants
Group, LLC – United States (ACCE Board)
- Dr. Trevor Hamilton, CWM®, FBIM, FJIM, FIMCJ, President of Trevor Hamilton and Associates
International Management Consultants
- Dr. Obaid Al Zaabi, PhD – Government Training and Research at Securities &
Commodities Authority UAE United Arab Emirates – Hon Global Advisor
- Donald John Miod, MFP, CPA, ABV, CVA, CBA, FCPA, CFF, CFS, CGMA, MAFF – Partner MIOD AND
COMPANY, LLP – Honorary Global Advisory Council
- Dr. Edwin Moncada Ochoa MBA. MF. MSc. Ph.D(c) AMC, RFS. CCA. Profesor Area Contabilidad y
Finanzas – Hon Global Advisor
- Dr. /Assoc. Prof Anelia Radulova, PhD – Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov – Honorary
Global Advisory Board
- Dr. AINDRILA BISWAS, CRA Chartered Risk Analyst - India - Hon. Global Advisory
- Sarah Egbiki, BA, MHRLR, CHR, CIPM, HR Consultant. - Hon. Global Advisory Council
- Dr. Keyur Thaker – Prof. at Indian Institute of Management, Indore – Hon. Global
Fengshun “Leo” Bin, PhD, CRA – Assoc Professor of Finance, U of Illinois at Springfield – – Hon. Global
- Prof Sir, Dr Christopher Oyat, PhD., Dsc., D.Litt., AMC., CIPM., Comp IMS.,CHR; DFEIFD.,
DFPFM., FCE., FCIEA., FBQS (hon)., FICP., FDTMS., Pr.FIGA., MNDKOA., LFICWLS., Professor of Management
at The Business University of Costa Rica (UNEM)., Adjunct and Distinguished University Professor of
Management and Business Research & PhD Reviewer at Ballsbridge University; International Board
Advisor at International Academic Journal of Development Research (Cambodia); appointed PhD Reviewer at
Sastra Angkor Institute; Research Board Advisor at Sastra Angkor Institute; Chartered Knight; Academic
Fellow at St Clements University Group; recognized Professor of Management by Association of African
Universities (AAU) as digitally archived; Honorary Global Advisor - Global Academy of Finance and
Management (USA).
Dr. Gil Cohen, PhD, Head of the Finance Track Carmel Academic Center – Tel Aviv – Hon. Global
- Dr. Margarita Bassabikova – Vice Chairmen of Audit Colleguim in Kazakhstan – Hon. Global
- Dr. Dimitris Koumparoulis, Director of the Economic Department at the UGSM – Monarch
Business School Switzerland – Hon. Global Advisor.
- Dr. Ioannis Salamouris Assistant Professor of Finance at Hellenic American University –
Honorary Global Advisory Board
- Franklin Uzoma Ehichanya, Leadership/HR Strategist, Change management expert, Management
consultant. B.Tech, CHR® GAFM. Member, Chartered Institute of Educational Practitioners UK (MCIEP
UK). German DVT Trainer of Trainers in Administration (DVT ToT). Associate, Registered Admin
Managers of Nigeria (A.RAM). Delegate, African Union (Y4P) on Peace Security and Conflict
Resolution. Team Lead, alternate education pathway curriculum development, German Nigeria DVT,
GIZ/Abuja Chamber of Commerce - Honorary Global Advisor.
- Mr William Chan, MFP, CAM, CRA, AIF, CFOS – Founder, Stamford Privee Family Office
(hyperlink to , President, Family Office Exchange Asia (hyperlink to
- Dr. Raymond R. Tjandrawinata, PhD, MS, MBA, MFP, FSB, Biomedical Scientist and Business
Development Professional, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Luna Christie Tjung, B.Sc., MFP, CVM, CPEP, CHP, Director of Fide Consultant Group,
Singapore, Asia.
- Dr. Mark Kayongo, PhD, MFP™, RFS™ – National Bureau of Standards – Hon. Global
- Marche' Lemoine Clark, MS, BA., CCA., CIPM., (Mediator), (Facilitator), - Hon. Global
- Dr. Gregory P. Green, JD, LLM, MBA, MA, CWM®, CAM, MFP, RFC, RFP – Colorado USA – Hon.
Global Advisor
- Linda J. Sulllivan, MBA, CPA, LL.M – USA Global Advisor – International Tax
- Mohit Vaid, MS, ChFM Chartered Financial Manager®, and AFA Accredited Financial
Analyst ®
- Mr. Young W.Carr, MFP, RFS, CGM, FiSMM, IOM, DGG, AistIIB – Council Chairman AbeSA –
South Africa (Hon. Global Advisor)
- Prof. Dr. C. P Wolff, MFP – Maastricht University – The Netherlands Research Fellow of
the Centre for Economic Policy Research, London
- Emad ALDarawesh CWM® AFA® – Saudi Arabia
– Hon. Global Advisor
- Dr. Robert Munro, PhD, MA, MFP – Gainesville, FL University of Florida Law School –
Co-Director, Center for International Financial Crimes Studies
- Elizabeth E.M. Thompson, B.A., LL.B., MFP, Registrar General of the Bahamas, Barrister,
Counsel and Attorney-at-Law, Master Financial Professional, Charter Professional Member Prof. Dr.
Joseph Heinlein, Mas. Fin. Prof – Brussels “The Original US Business School in Europe” BU Belgium **
Now at NATO
- Dean J. Mc Farland, PhD, CMA Chartered Market Analyst* Dean of The Tulane Freeman School
of Business* Honorary
- WONTUMI ODEI GODSWILL PETER, MFP Master Financial Planner, MFA Master Financial
Analyst, CCFPMA Chartered Certified Financial Public Management Accountant, CITA Certified
International Tax Analyst, and LLM Certification - (Oil and Gas)
- James Lavorgna, JD, CWM® , CFP™, LLM – Certified Trainer
- Mr . Ahmed Elkhidir Hamed Elsinnary , CTP -CFC – CBA – CIAT –MCP – CRA – FAAFM ,
Financial and Management consultant , Cigalah Establishments , Group Chief Internal Audit , Saudia
Arabia – Jeddah ( SUDAN )
- Prof. (Dr.) Niranjan C. Bhat, Hon. Global Advisor for GAFM and AAPM, International &
Grand PhD, FAAPM/FAAFM, MPM, CIPM, GPM, CPD and MFP. – India
- Hon. Dir. Andrew Kane, OBE, CWM ® , CRA – CEO and Managing
Director HSBC Private Banking – Wealth Management, California – Master Financial Planner
- Prof. Dr. Pablo Fernandez IESE Business School Madrid Spain
- Dr. Nicola A. Spence, PhD, CPM – San Francisco – Asia
- Dr Abdul Karim Bangura – BBA, MBA, FIPFM, ICIA, FCAM,
- Jack McCaffery III, JD, LLM, CWM ® MBA, DBA ABD, CAM, MFP Mas.
Fin. Prof.™ *
- Prof. Dr. Swarnankur Chatterjee, PhD, CMA, FAD – Athens, GA, USA University Faculty
- Jonathan Dougherty, J.D., LL.M., CWM ® , CAM, MFP Mas. Fin.
Prof.™ *
- Prof. Dr. Shinichi Watanabe, PhD Mas. Fin. Prof™ – Belgium
- Prof. Jean Bellemans, Mas. Fin. Prof – Brussels
- Dr. Benjamin Findley, CPM, Colonel, USAFR (Ret) (Special Honorary Advisor)
- Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Singh Rana, PhD (Financial Economics), Ch. Economist., UGC-NET, PFMA,
M.A (Economics), Assistant Professor, A.P.B P.G College, Uttarakhand, India.
- Dr. Taher R. Kidwani. CWM ® Certified Chartered Wealth Manager, CAM Chartered Certified
Asset Manager, ChE Chartered Economist-economic policy analyst, GAFM Board of Honorary Global Advisors.
Yusr Islamic Bank, Managing Director
- Suraj Mishra, CWM®, MFP®, Special Advisor Asia – Global Advisory Council
- Prof. Dr. Julia K. Brazelton, PhD, MFP Mas. Fin. Prof.™ Connecticut
- Prof. Thomas W. Goldman, JD, LLM, FAD,CWM, MFP M. Fin. Prof.
- Cody Tellis, JD, LLM, MFP, CWM, CTEP, CAM – California, USA
- Bernard W. Bunning, MBA, JD, LL.M, CPA, PFS, CFP, CTEP, MFM, MFP, CWM,, CFS, CVA,
CM&AA – Hign Net Worth Consulting
- Phillippe Chan, Chief Financial Officer, BNP paribas (Hong Kong)
- Dr. Min WU, MFP, CWM, – Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
- Dr. Alfred Kahl, PhD Canada and US Mas. Fin. Prof. **
- Prof. Lena Booth, Thunderbird Am. Grad. School of Int’l Mgmt. Finance Department World
Business US and Singapore
- H. Freedman, JD, MBA, RFS, MFM, RBA – Advisor – Florida
- Prof. Dr. Rajesh Mohnot, Acad. Head FTMS Business School in Singapore, RBA, MFP™ Mas.
- Mr. Hisham
Khaled - President of Iraq Chapter
- Prof. Edwin D. Dimaculangan, CPA, MBA, RFA Philippines
- Prof. Dr. Gary K. Hunter, Ph.D. Arizona State University
- Peggie A. Russell, J.D, RBA – Business Analyst – Tennessee, USA (Honorary Global
- Michael Hsu, J.D., MPF, CTEP, CWM
- Renee Fisher, Esq. BA, LLB, MBA, CAM, Nassau Bahamas
- Gary S. Burroughs, CPA, CTEP CEP, TEP, CEA, President of BSB, Inc., Oregon, USA MFP™
Master Financial Professional ™
- Zhong-yi Yang, MFTA, RFA, CPIM, CEPA Taiwan Advisor
- Prof. Luke Tan, CWM, PhD ABD – President Thermed Ent., Inc.
- Michael Preiss, MFP, RFS, CWM Certified Trainer Asia
- Gerald J. Shields, JD, CTEP, Mas. Fin. Prof. Washington DC
- Andy Ong, Chair, Wealth Management Association, Singapore
- Gordon Ng - FCMI(UK), Registered Engineer, Global Advisory Council
- Chris Goh, Academic Director, Finance Programs, ACPE, Singapore
- Prof. Tobias M. Mendelson, JD, CTEP, Mas. Fin. Prof.
- Tan Sri Dato Prof. Dr James Alfred BA Hons (Econs), LLB, MBA, PhD, FIoD, FCMI, FCIM,
FIPlantE, FSOE, FCILT, FIOSH, FRSH, FCCS, CPA(Ireland), CPA(USA), MFP(Master Financial Professional),
- Prof. Christophe Couallier, MFP, RFA – UOP Orlando, FL
- Prof. Alexander Van de Putte, PhD, RFA, CRA, MFP, Master Financial ProfessionalTM –
Professor of Finance at the Rouen School of Management in France, Fellow at Birkbeck College
(University of London) and Shell International Executive.
- Mike Nall, CPA, CM&A, MFP California, USA **
- Dr. E. Oestriecher, CEC, A.A., B.E.S. M.Ed.,Ph.D., N.D., Ph.D. E-Business Executive,
Booze Allen Hamilton – Anapolis, MD, USA
- Dr. M. G. Junginger – Director Business Development, Financial Executive – Munich,
Germany* New Elected Member
- Yuen Heng, Kwan (Jeffrey), MBA, MPA, CWM, MFP, CTEP, CVM CRA, CMP – SVP – M&P Global
Financial Services, Inc. USA Honorary Advisory Board for Asia.
- Dr. F. Thomas Winters III, JD, MBA, CPM, MFP Mas. Fin.
- Dr. Aindrila Biswas, M. Com, PhD, CMA(USA), CRA, PGDBA, NET-JRF
- Prof. Richard Paul Kleeburg, CMA, MBA, JD, PhD
- Dr A. Ejaife, PhD, CAM, RFS, MFP – Nigeria and England
- Dr. Thanaiwong Kirativanich, MFP – Thailand
- Joyce Molen, MBA, RFS, CAM, CPM, RBA, MFM, MFP Mas. Fin. Prof. – Texas
- Kelvin Leong, MSc, CPA, MFP, RBA, CSA, FCCA, MIEEE – Hong Kong (Honorary Advisor)
- Dr. Y. Chay, Dr. Y. Chay, MFP, MFM, RFS, CAM, FAD, CWM- Price Waterhouse Coopers –
Special Advisor for Singapore and Asia- Price Waterhouse Coopers – Special Advisor for Singapore and
- Dr. Sean Rozario, PhD, MBA, MFP, FAD, CWM, MFC – Special Advisor Asia and Singapore.
- Michael Bradford, MBA, CWM, ChFC – Capital One Private Client Group (Honorary
- Prof. Dr. Swarnankur Chatterjee, PhD, CMA, FAD – Athens, GA, USA University Faculty
- Dr Abdul Karim Bangura – DBA, BBA, MBA, MFM, IPFM, ICIA, FCAM, FIMS, FAIA(Acad), ACMA,
- Steven Burgeman, JD, LLM, CPA, MBA, MAFM, CTS – Tax Lawyer – Illinois, USA – Hon. Gl.
- F. Hale Stewart. JD, LLM, CWM, CAM, CTEP – Houston, TX USA – Hon. Global Advisor
- Ing. Mag. Harald Parapatits, RFS, CPM, MFP
- Emad A. Rahim, M.S.M., C.B.M., Chairman and CEO of Human Service Assn. of CNY
- Dr. Graham A Orme FAAFM, AFA – Director of Human Resources and Finance – American Mission
Hospital – First Hospital in the Arabian Gulf
Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Special Advisor in Asia
- Dato Dr. James Alfred – Asia – Advisor and Presidential Advisor
- Meocre Li CPA – President China Operations – Hong Kong and Mainland China – Global Best
Resources Education
- David A Iraka CWM – South Africa – Director – Ancestry Capital
- Emmanuel Nkansah, Ch.E Chartered Economist - Hon. Global Advisory Council
- Jeffrey C. Rooney, MS, BSBA, CAM, CAMC, CITA, CRA, CCA,CPBA – New York USA
- Ryland T. Campbell, CWM Executive Chairman of Capital and Credit Group ( Jamaica) and
“Observer Newspaper” Jamaican Business Leader of the Year and Government of Jamaica Awardee.
- Dr. Shivanand R. Koppalkar, Dip. (Computer Technology), ADCSSA&A, BE (Computer Engg),
MBA – Business Administration (USA), MPM ®, CIPM ®, PME ™, CEC ™ , CSA ™, CMBA™, MCP ™, MBCS, MMC™ ,
MBC™ , MQC™ , MQM ™, CSOE, CISRCP, CLC ™ , CSMA™ , CAM ™ – Founder President & CEO, Xplore Software
Consulting Inc (USA) ( and Founder Director, Xplore Software Consulting
Inc. Ltd (UK). (, Hon. Global Advisor for AAPM ® Board of Standards –
GAFM Board of Honorary Global Advisors
- Mr. Abdallah Ali-Nakyea, FCIT, FICB, FCCE, CEPA, CA GH MTP SA, MPhil Econs, LLB HONS BL –
(Managing Consultant WTS, Nakyea & Adebiyi Consult (Tax Attorney & Solicitors)
- Mohit Vaid, MS, ChFM Chartered Financial Manager®, and AFA Accredited Financial
Analyst ®
- Roland Georges AMEHOU, Msc, COR, AFA, AMA, Senior Finance Expert and US Federal
Acquisition Officer - former member of the Budget and Finance group of IRC of GAVI's board from 2014 to
- Mr. Join Gartchie Gatsi, MSc, Int. Acct, MSc Finance, MBA, CHE, MID GH University of Cape
- Mr. Edem Cudjoe Amengor, MBA, ChE – Head, Corporate Treasury, Senior Manager (Amalgamated
- Henry Waruhiu, MPhil, MBA, BA (Hons), MMC®, CIPM®, MAPM®, MISPIM®, MSMS©, CMCE, MIDEAS,
MIAPHL, Director of Consultancy & Advisory Services, ESAMI, Hon. Global Advisor.
- Husam Ali Hussein, CCO, CRMA, CFE – UAE Government – Honorary Global Advisor UAE
- Mr. Eric Asare, MPhil Ag. Econs, MS Resource Econs and Policy, ChE, AFA, PhD Student
Applied Econs (Virginia Tech).
- Joseph M Mugo, AMC, CIPM, B/Ed – CEO & Founder Access Business Management
Conferencing International – ABMC & Global Events Management – GEM, Head of Consulting Division for
East Africa – GAFM / AAFM / AAPM Chapters
- Dorcas K. Wainaina – CHRA, HRM, MBA – Managing Partner, Midas HR Solution East Africa, HR
Consultant for East Africa – GAFM / AAFM / AAPM Chapters and also Chief HR Consultant for Global Events
Management & ABMC International
- Dr. Mohamed Yousry Elkhawaja, RBA™ Arabian Community Middle East North Africa. GAFM®
Certified Trainer & Certifications Nominator
- Muayad H. I. Elbeely, MSc Economics, Master of Business Administration (MBA), ChE®
Chartered Economist, GAFM Honorary Global Advisory Board, Central Bank of Sudan, Economist.
- Mr. Sahel Abdulaziz Alsahafi, CPM®, AFA®, Honorary Advisor for GAFM, – Jeddah, Saudi
- Daud Pervaiz, B.Com, MBA (Finance), AMC (USA), MFP (USA), MCIM (UK) & Phd
(Management) (In Process, Warsaw).
- Wisdom Adjei Mensah, CHRA, RBA, CIPM, CEMBA, BSc (Hons) and DiEdu, HR/Administrative
Manager, Ghana Manganese Company Limited, GAFM Honorary Global Advisory Board-Member.
- David Lim, MFP, CWM, CRTP, David Lim Advisory Services, Financial Advisor, Tax Preparer,
Licensed Realtor, California, USA, Honorary Global Advisory Council
- Saurabh Kumar Akhouri, General and Business Management Consultant, Project Management
Consultant, Oil and Gas,Energy and Marine Domain Consultant, Economic Policy Analysis Consultant,
Corporate Governance, Ethics & Sustainable Development Consultant, Certified NLP Practitioner,
Astro Spiritual Healing Consultant, Certified Accredited Management Consultant (AMC), CIPM,B Tech (
Petroleum),ISM Dhanbad,PGDM(MBA),GIM,PG Diploma in Development Policy(IGIDR,Mumbai),Executive Company
Secretary and Professional CS(2modules) ICSI, India , Six Sigma Black Belt,Masters in Vedic
Astrology,Certified Neuroliguistic Practitioner,Global Advisor, Managing Partner Commercial Technical
Consulting LLP,India (
- Rohan S.Walters, LLB (Hons), AMC Accredited Management Consultant ® – Hon. Global Advisor
– Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Todd Reveley, MS, ChE, Consulting Economist, Colorado, USA – Hon. Global Advisor
- Mr. Gregory Dellas MBA, CCO, CAMC, CWM (GAFM), Chair ACAMS Cyprus Chapter,
- Tracy Freese, MA, MFP®, CTEP® – IA USA, Hon. Global Advisory Council
- Mary J. Williams, MFP, CAM, CPM, CEP, CFS, CTS, RFC. - Hon. Global Council
® – Hon Global Advisory
- Freeman Munisi Mateko :Chartered Economist - South Africa - Hon. Global Advisory
- Khaliq Raza - AFA, MS(Banking & Finance), MBA(Finance), B.Com
- Tonya McNeal-Weary, MBA, AMC Accredited Management Consultant
® , Managing Director at IBS Global Consulting, Inc. Michigan USA,
Honorary Global Advisory Council
- Dr. Steven R. Maness, Ph.D., D.Inst.Psy., ChPA, CPJ, CPP Global Advisory Board
- Jay L. Schlott, PhD, MS, CAMS, CFE, AMLCA, CCRP, CRA, CCA, CAMC – Quality Assurance
Professional - USA, GAFM Board of Honorary Global Advisors
- Dr. Henry Isaac Adusei BA, CEPA, FCCE, JSD (Director Association of Chartered Economists
) - Ghana Hon. Global Advisor.
- Spiros Karasavvidis, BSc Physics, MBA, DBA(Cand),
CISM, CRISC, COBIT5, ISACA Silver member, ISO27002, CIPM, PRINCE2, Service Desk Institute Research
member (SDI), ITILv3 f/SO/ST, ISO20000, Member of the Chartered Management Institute (MCMI), PgCert
Business Research Methods, Hon. Global Advisor.
- Dr. Anupam Mehta, Ph.D, AFA, AMC, CMA, MBA, MCom, CertFRS – Chairperson (Bachelors
program) & Associate Professor – Finance and Accounting – Institute of Management Technology – Hon
Global Advisor
- Muhammad Rizwan Khan, CAMS, CCO, E Crime Specialist, MBA ,PGD, SECURITY AND INVESTMENT
CAMS-FCI, ACFCS CFCS,CCIP, certificate in cyber intelligence (Cybint).
- Kwaku Boahen, MBA (Finance), AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®, Bsc Admin (Accounting) -
Hon. Global Advisory Council
Hon. Global Advisor
- Felix Ashu, MBA, JD, MLA, AFA, AMC,MFP, CPM. Founder of the FA Capital Hedge Fund and FA
Capital Management LP and Chief Financial Officer of the Meridian Pharmacy Group Inc. Dallas TX
- Cathryn Lai Chen Chui, IEMBA, AMC ®, CIPM ®, Member of GAFM ® Honorary Global Advisory
Council, Founder of Catfish Consulting Sdn Bhd
- Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim Sayed Ahmed Mostafa, MPM CIPM CHRA CPE PMD – Hon. Global Advisor
- Butler Conduah, BA Econs, MBA (Finance), AFA, CWM - USA Hon. Global Advisor
- Prof Asiwaju Busari Shaamsuddeen Akande, PhD,CMA,CPA, CIFE,CIFP,DFPFM, FCIA,
- Mr. Abdullahi Mohamed Hussein, C C A -Certified Credit Analyst, Certified Islamic Banker,
BBA- GAFM Board of Honorary Global Advisor - East Africa
- Faith Ebhohimen - B.Sc. Economics from University of Lagos(Nigeria), M.Sc. Economics from
University of Birmingham (UK), ChE Certified Chartered Economist. Monetary Economics, Development
Economics and Public Policy subject matter expert. Ambassador University of Birmingham. Member GAFM
Honorary Global Advisory Council
- Shah Noorooddine Kadall, CFE, CFA, CFIP, CITA, MQA, TAE , Mauritius Indian Ocean,
Honorary Global Advisory Council
- Upasana Samtani, B.Com, MBA, CWM, MFP - Honorary Global Advisory Council
- Dr. Guruswamy Alooru, C.Mgr FCIMS, B.Com PGFM, PBA (Canada), CPA (England), AFA, AMA
Toronto, Canada - - Honorary Global Advisory Council
- Mr. Michael Garzi, MBA, CPM, MFP – Forte Capital LLC Wealth Management Advisor
- Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Ibrahim Elmahlawi, CORM, ChFI, CFC, CRA
- Prakash Prasad. ✍ Author ✰Trainer ✰Founder of Intelligence School & Innovative
Bank✰Investigator ✰Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Emerging Tech Researcher ✰OSINT SME✰Special
Honorary Global Advisor on the Board of Global Academy of Finance and Management (USA) - GAFM✰ (ChFM ®,
Law), Certified Cyber Crime Investigator, Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI), CCSP, Certified
Forensics Analyst, Vulnerability Analyst, Certified Security Architect, Certified Anti-Money Laundering
Specialists (CAMLS), Financial Crimes & Global Sanction Investigator (FCGSI), Cyber Forensic
Analyst, Private Investigator Level - 3, Certified Advance Open Source Intelligence Investigator).
Awarded Man-of-Substance, SM Institute of Advance Technology Open Source Intelligence and Bravery
Award, Eagle Eye - Fraud Prevention, & Finovate Award - Financial Innovation in India and Way
- Boahen Afoakwah, Doctorate Fellow in Marketing (USA), MBA
Marketing (Ghana), Chartered Marketing Analyst (USA), Fellow GAFM, Certified Practising Marketer
(Australia), Associate Marketer (South Africa), Full Member (MCIM) UK, BBA General Management (France),
Member of GAFM Honorary Global Advisory Council.
List of AAFM/AABFS Advisory Board Members MENA Region
- MENA Region Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences – President Prof. Isam
- MENA Region Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences – Vice President Prof. Khalid
Amin Abdulla
- MENA Region Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences – General Manager Dr. Amr El-
- MENA Region Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences Director – Arab &
International Relations Ms. Rana A. Al-Zou’bi
- Beirut- Lebanon Fenicia Bank Branches Network Manager —–Mr. Ali Hussein Badran
- Palestine – Palestine Bank Training Manager Dr. Majid El Jedi
- Egypt – Arab African International Bank Head of Financial Institutions Division Mr.
Mohsen Rashad
- KSA Kingdom Saudi Arabia – The Saudi Investment Bank Consultant , Human Resources –
Learning & Development – Dr. Shehab E-Deen Ragei’e
- KSA Kingdom Saudi Arabia -The Savola Group Chief Human Capital Officer Mr. Helal
- Jordan – AABFS Banking Expert Dr. Zaher El Ramhey
- Egypt – KPMG Egypt Senior Partner Mr. Hesham El-Afandy
- Egypt – AABFS Banking Expert Mr. Mohammed Badra
- Egypt – Central Bank of Egypt General Manager
- Supervision Sector – Dr. Salah Shehata
- Egypt – Rasmala Egypt Asset Management Chairman & Managing Director, Asset Management
Mr. Ahmed Abu El-Saad
- Qatar – AABFS Trainer & Consultant Mr. Nashat Gaber Mahmoud
- Jordan – Jordan Commercial Bank Chief Credit Officer CCO Mr. Mohammad Al-Quraan
- Mohamd A. Alassmari, Ph.D. AMC, MMC and CIPM -Almarai Company – Saudi Arabia – Hon.
Global Advisor
List of AAFM/CWM Institute Advisory Board Members Asia Region
- Mr. Carl Thong Chairman of Board of Standards, AAFM Asia
- Mr. David Sicari Regional Head, Training for ANZ Wealth Management
- Dr. Christopher Goh Former Director of Credit Structuring, Merrill Lynch
- Mr. Jeslie Chui (Prof J) Chief Strategic Officer, Qilu International Holdings
- Mr. Darvin Andreas Widjaja Managing Director, PT momenta, Former Regional Learning
Manager for ANZ Private and Enablement
- Prof. Dr. George Mentz Founder AAFM® Global Board and former Licensed Senior Wealth
Management Advisor Legg Mason/Citigroup USA. Prof of Wealth Management and Ethics
- Dewi Wiranti Managing Director for Financial Services – Accenture
- Aldrich Sy Carag, CFC, CRA, ChFM, Finance Director of Liwayway (China) Co., Ltd
E-Business and E-Commerce Advisory Council – Inst. of E-Commerce
Consultants •Dr. Svetlana Maltseva – Dean – National Research University Higher School of
Economics, Moscow, Russia •Prof. Oswald Sui, D.Sc.- Division of Commerce City University of Hong Kong •Dr.
Mike Harper, CEC -The University of Colorado Faculty Dir. of E-Com Programs •Dr. E. Oestriecher, CEC, A.A.,
B.E.S. M.Ed.,Ph.D., N.D., Ph.D. E-Business Executive, Booze Allen Hamilton – Anapolis, MD, USA •Dr. Lincoln
B. S. Rosa, PhD, CompTIA ITProject+ SME, CEC, IEC Fellow, MCSE+Internet, System Architect at EDS do Brasil
South American •Dr. Mikhail Komarov – National Research University Higher School of Economics – Russia
•Prof. Director: Henry Ong, CEC, MPM – Philippines E-Business Professional – Global Advisory Board •Dr.
Linda S.L. LAI, Associate Professor, Macao Polytechnic Institute, China •Dr. Ahmad Cameron, BS, MS, MTech,
PhD, PMP, MPM, CIPM CECC, AScT – Canada, EU and India •Edi Diwan, CEC – Head of ICT e-Commerce Solution,
Experienced Business Analyst, Project Manager, SEO & SMO, Mobile Apps – Indonesia •Anthony Bucci, MBA,
B.Comm (Mgmt), PMP, PMI-ACP, PSPO, PSM, CEC – Canada •Guido T.H.J. Willemsen CEC, CPIM, BSc, MSc – Hon.
Global Advisor – Netherlands European Union •Nilda Glenn Thomas, MBA/e-Business, CEC, CEA, CEO/CMO/CLO
Workforce eTraining Solutions, LLC – CEO eBizprenuer Consulting Group, Business Owner: – Michigan – USA. Ms. Thomas business, marketing and e-Business savvy has earned
her recognition in Black Enterprise Magazine (2000) and Hispanic Network Magazine – Honorary Board Advisor
for CEC and AAPM •Dr. Stamos Karamouzis, Ph.D. Athens, Greece. He holds an M.S. and a Ph.D. from The
College of William and Mary. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning,
multimedia systems, and educational technology. Members on the Global Advisor List are Honorary by Law and
by basic legal statues can not make any legal decision for the GAFM. Also Faculty or Board status is purely
an Award Status and Recognition of Academic Excellence, Life Service, and Research. Members may nominate
faculty to the board of advisors and faculty members have rights to offer amendments for the innovation of
standards for GAFM . Faculty members are in no way considered to be faculty of the GAFM except within the
limits of an Honorary or Emeritus Faculty Award Recognition. They are simply recognized faculty members of
Select Universities Worldwide that have been unanimously approved by the Chair to receive honors from GAFM
. Advisory or honorary advisors and members can not speak for the company by law, but rather US laws and
statutes govern who may legally speak for a US company such as directors or managers. The legal location of
the Global Certification Standards Advisory Council is based in Italy with legal offices in the USA. All
intellectual property owned in the USA.
- GAFM ® awards Certification to successful graduates of the online law school courses
which are from an Accredited Law School. GAFM ® is the first in the WORLD to have an alliance with an
Accredited Law School.
- The Board of Standards is The First to Directly Recognize by Articulation the Highest
Certifications Standards including: The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs and ISO
29990 Non Formal Training Standards for Certification