Global Academy of Finance and Management American International Institute Finance Chartered Financial Planner Analyst Project Manager ISO 9001 Accredited Certification Body Training
International Board of Standards - Professional Designations -  Accredited Education.  Creating the World's Leaders in Management ™

About The GAFM Global Academy of Finance & Management ®

TUV ISO CHEA Accredited

Welcome to GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ® Standards & Accreditation Council.  Our Certification Body regulates the standards for credentialing and the accredited education criteria for qualified business programs that are a path to our prestigious  certifications. The International Board of Standards awards designations and board certification in the finance, accounting, and management consulting areas.

Because our certifications and designation requirements are based on accredited criteria and  earned degrees and exams from the best global degree programs, our standards are unmatched. Thus we confer designations which are based on accredited degree education and accredited program exams.

The GAFM was founded in 1996 by the original founders of the Graduate Leadership Society. The Founders of our Board are CEOs, Executives, Professors, and industry experts from around the globe. We desire to raise education standards and ethics in the business and management industries.

** Accreditation - Our Certification Standards Board is TUV Accredited and ISO 9001:2008 Certified for Quality and ISO 29990:2010 Certified for Educational Standards.  Approved Sanctioned by the Arab Academy for over 20 Arab Nations.

Our Standards Policy Board awards specialized board certifications, designations, and charters in the fields of: finance, accounting, management,  and consulting fields to qualified professionals who have completed internationally recognized or accredited exams & education, government recognized degrees and documented management credentials and experience. See our list of Certifications

Since 1996, the Academy has been promoting accredited graduate standards for certification in business, management, law, and finance. Since our inception with the founding of the Graduate Institute of Leadership in 1996, the Academy has been focused on quality assurance with accredited education, exams, assessment, education, ethics, and continuing education. Further, applicants must also have the necessary experience in practice, research or publications in their respective areas of expertise.

Individuals who desire board certification, may apply to the Academy and petition for membership, certification and fellow status.   Apply Now

The GAFM International Board of Standards is TUV Accredited and ISO Certified for Quality and ISO 29990 Training Standards

TUV Accredited

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● CWM ® Chartered Wealth Manager ®

 Quote for Today


"There is no substitute for knowledge"

Dr. William Edwards Deming
(Author, lecturer and consultant & professor) University of Colorado, MS, Yale PhD

 Accredited Certified Financial Analyst Chartered Accountant

Top Certifications and Designations

  • AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  • AMA Accredited Management Accountant  ®
  • AMC Accredited Management Consultant  ®
  • CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  • MFP Master Finanical Planner
  • CTEP Chartered Trust & Estate Planner
  • CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®
  • MPM Master Project Manager ®


The GAFM ® Board is the 1st Graduate Certification Body to Become Accredited  and Certified for: ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 29990 Training in the World. GAFM ® owns the former AAFM ® Certifications and Programs

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