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Corporate Governance/Structure of the Merck Group
by Merck Annual Report 2002 [More Info]

The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Merck KGaA, as well as the company’s general partner, E. Merck, have discussed the Code in detail and are striving to implement the Code’s recommendati..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 3
Category : Governance
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2002-12-10
Corporate governance develops in emerging markets
by Carlos E. Campos, Roberto E. Newell, and Gregory Wilson - McKinsey & Company [More Info]

Companies in emerging markets often assert that Western standards of corporate governance—particularly the US and UK models of governance that put maximizing shareholder value at the core of a com..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 5
Category : Governance
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2002-09-04
Corporate governance The new strategic imperative
by Economist Intelligence Unit [More Info]

The Economist Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for the content of the report. The Economist Intelligence Unit’s editorial team conducted the interviews and online survey and wrote the rep..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 28
Category : Governance
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2002-01-14
Giving new life the the corporate governance reform agenda for emerging market
by McKinsey & Company [More Info]

Emerging market governance reform has not.........

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 6
Category : Governance
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2001-07-11
The globalisation of corporate governance
by Holly J. Gregory [More Info]

Led by investor demand, the discussion as to what constitutes effective corporate governance and why it is important for individual companies on a national and a global level continues to gather mome..

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 26
Category : Governance
Cost : Free
Date Published : 2001-07-11
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