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AAFM Conference Columbia
September 25, 2008

Prof. Dr. Santillan

AAFM Sponsored Conference, Cartagena, Columbia

ROBERTO SANTILLÁN Keynote Speaker and AAFM Board Member

The Executive Director and the Chairman of the 8th International Finance Conference gladly announce the confirmation of Dr. Roberto Santillán as one of our new Keynote Speakers at Cartagena de Indias. Dr. Santillán is currently a well known and respected professor at EGADE, from TEC of Monterrey.

AAFM Conference Link: 


AAFM Award Scholarship and Sponsorship:

The American Academy of Financial Management has sponsored an award for the top paper, general sponsorship of the conference,  and also scholarship programs for AAFM membership.

The Paper winner will be published in the AAFM Journal.


A group of professors of the most prestigious Chilean Universities was gathered at the Facultad de Negocios (Business School) of the Universidad Católica Del Norte during January, 2000 in order to discuss significant topics from a financial point of view, shaping the 1st Finance Event.

The discussion held was intense and the time, brief. The need of making deeper the academic discussion about these issues and promoting a circle of finance experts who take these topics in charge motivate us to keep our initiative extending an invitation to the academicians inside the country. That is why, in 2001, the 2nd National Finance Event was held with an attendance of a hundred participants, among professors and students.

The interests exceed our frontiers and in a few years we were able to count on the support of colleagues throughout Latin America; therefore, the third version of the event gathered researchers and academics with Spanish as their mother tongue. Once again, the reply to our call over passed our expectations.

The adventure kept going, because in 2004 the challenge of organizing an International Event beyond Latin America was raised, one where the idiomatic bound was not a curb for the academic spreading and disclosure. That summon allowed us to get over 260 research works.

The 5th version made possible to grow and to continue this discussion opportunity. Over 250 researches were received and there were over 120 presenters, surpassing the 200 participants, including Chilean and foreign professors, who came from countries such as United Status, Brazil, England, China, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, etc.

In order to perform the 6th version of the event, an Academic Committee was shaped, counting on the participation of international academics, changing its name to International Finance Conference. Its 6th version presented an innovation on its style and contents. The thematic fields were extended, including: Private and Public Finances, Education on Finances (private and public ones), Financial Technologies, among others. Our bet was risky, but the results were favorable. 105 researches were accepted and the Conference had a great international participation.

Step by step we have been growing and getting more mature. Together, we have built a great international scope event and, for the first time, the 7th International Finance Conference will have place out of Chile. In this opportunity, the Escuela de Graduados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (EGADE) of Tecnológico de Monterrey will be the host of the event in Mexico. We hope to count on with all your support and to repeat the previous success.


Américo Ibarra Lara
Executive Director 
Internacional Finance Conference.

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