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AAFM Articles is a collection of professional articles related to finance and relevant industries.Browse through the articles by category or by searching for them

(February 2009) | Economics
by Michael Preiss

On the back of the U.S. dollar it says:  “In God We Trust”.

For far-sighted and risk averse investors however, increasingly it is: "In Gold We Trust".

...[ Read More ]

(October 2008) | Economics
by AAFM Research

History of Wealth Management ...[ Read More ]

(June 2008) | Economics
by Martin Davies

If you want to boil a frog as the saying goes you put it into cold water and raise the temperature slowly for if you throw a cold frog into hot water it will leap out. The US dollar is such an animal and over the last few years there has been some speculation on the deprecating value of the dollar but such talk until lately seems to have been background noise.   Like our boiled frog, until the temperature raises too high no one notices, but in the last five years the US dollar has depreciated against the Euro by 35%. ...[ Read More ]

(April 2007) | Economics
by Dr Richard Petty

For the average punter, ascertaining the “true” value of a company is still highly problematic. This is largely the result of information asymmetries that endure in spite of the progress that has been made in revisiting old accounting orthodoxy, and in controlling more vigorously certain types of interaction between actors in the capital markets. ...[ Read More ]

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