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AAFM Articles is a collection of professional articles related to finance and relevant industries.Browse through the articles by category or by searching for them

(November 2008) | Financial Management
by Dr. E. Ted Prince

Is this title a possible description of what the past few years have brought and what will happen in the future? Financial managers need to make sure that they and regulators do not fall victim to the oldest trick in the book – excess in one direction followed by an equal and opposite excess, in the other. ...[ Read More ]

(October 2008) | Financial Management
by Dr. Gordian Gaeta

Anyone reading the financial press these days comes across the word ‘liquidity’ alone or in combination, e.g., liquidity gap, liquidity risk, liquidity injection etc more often than the previous favorite expression ‘sub prime’ and its combinations. As such, liquidity has easily become the most misused economic term of recent months. Liquidity seems to be the cause, the solution, the destination, the journey and the process to address the current financial upheaval. ...[ Read More ]

(August 2008) | Financial Management
by Dr. E. Ted Prince

Current leadership theories are outdated; new disciplines and disruptive changes call for a Grand Unified Leadership Theory. ...[ Read More ]

(July 2008) | Financial Management
by Dr. E. Ted Prince

Traditionally being green has been seen as increasing costs. The stereotypical financial manager has seen environmentalism and carbon credits as increasing costs over the longer-term and as reducing margins. How should financial managers address these issues now in an age of ultra-high energy costs, new programs for carbon credits and of the triple bottom line? ...[ Read More ]

(June 2008) | Financial Management
by Dr. E. Ted Prince

Crises the size and extent of the current oil crisis do not occur often. When they do they disrupt existing business models of many if not most companies, as is happening now. These changes will result in many companies failing. Many will founder. Some will figure out how to address the crisis because they have seen it as an opportunity.  ...[ Read More ]

(April 2008) | Financial Management
by Dr. E. Ted Prince

This article shows how a new innovation in financial management  – assessment and development of business acumen in managers - promises to revolutionize selection and development of financial managers. In the light of the financial crises sweeping through most economies, the issue of business acumen is now taking becoming an issue of critical importance that CFOs simply cannot ignore. ...[ Read More ]

(April 2007) | Financial Management
by Michael Preiss

As we contemplate the investment outlook for 2007, it pays to look back and remember that financial markets have an incredible capacity for reacting to news and economic developments in a way that confounds market professionals and casual observers alike – the only difference being the latter will admit to being confused, while the former will quickly come up with a few dusty rationalizations. ...[ Read More ]

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