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(January 2007) | Trust and Estate Planning
by Prof. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

In the USA, the Estate Tax is a tax on your right to transfer property at your death.... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Trust and Estate Planning
by Prof. Dr. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

General Thoughts and Frequently Asked Questions: Probate/Wills ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Trust and Estate Planning
by Prof. G. S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM, CTEP

Glossary of Common Estate Planning Terms which include Probate, Estate, and Trust Legal Definitions. ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Trust and Estate Planning
by Prof. George S Mentz

Abusive foreign trusts are often formed in foreign countries that impose little or no tax on trusts and also provide financial secrecy..... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Trust and Estate Planning
by Prof. Dr. George S. Mentz

Insurance Trusts, Charitable Trusts, and more..... ...[ Read More ]

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