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(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

It is not good enough for the government on one hand to say to us be aware but not afraid and on the other hand they refuse to look at a significant chain of events that seem at first glance too closely linked to be a mere coincidence. They are obviously not afraid and simply not aware. They may be in fact investigating the issue and just not telling us, this does not fill the community with confidence and indeed sends the wrong message. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Three concepts were explored over the time, they were, 1. risk finance, 2. reputation risk and 3. cindynics. Caroline and I both thought the last concept was worthy of sharing. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Research demonstrates that there are three stages of executive development, early middle, senior and executive management. These need to be mentored and managed by retired persons of eminence from the industry whose experience is passed systematically to the following generation. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

This separation is the paramount aim of the unit’s training philosophy and programs. These programs are offered in house and by demand in public forums. The understanding of the separation will lead to better implementation of a risk culture in all organisations over time. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk management works if companies can set clear objectives, it is important that they are expressed around the future and not the past or indeed even the present. Directors and officers need to continually ask themselves whether the objectives as set will meet the needs for the future to at least an horizon of two to three years. If this is done effectively then the application of risk management becomes an essential tool for reducing the probability that corporate objectives will be jeopardised by unforeseen events. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Last month we looked at the first five recurring patterns as described in “World of Risk” by Mark Haynes Daniell, this month the last five are discussed. A close examination of the ten patterns creates the environment of the risk manager in the future and illustrates the need for ongoing and continuous education. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

I recently returned from a trip to the UK and Asia to examine the progress of the concept of risk management in an educational and business sense. comparison we are well prepared to face the risks that will emerge in the future, if we continue down the path we have set ourselves. Too often because of the distance between us and other developed countries we tend to think we are always behind, this is not necessarily the case here. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Money laundering, a strange term indeed, but one that has the potential to have an impact on the country as a whole, if we regard reputation as a paramount risk. Money laundering is essentially taking unclean money or money derived from criminal activities and putting it through a process that mean the title to the money at the end of the process is legal or clean. Australia is not a soft target in this area and has sent very clear signals internationally and domestically of its overt hosility to these activities. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

In recent years, risk has become a vital issue for financial institutions management; its successful identification and mitigation will more and more separate the market leaders from the also-rans. In the context of financial institutions, risk is defined as “the adverse impact of profitability of several distinct sources of uncertainty.” ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk managers can decide to be part of this process or withdraw back to the traditional areas of insurance and occupational health and safety. This month we will look at the “victim cycle” and discuss the steps to professional accountability, These steps will ensure we are seen as a professional and over time we will be valued for our advice and commitment. ...[ Read More ]

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