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AAFM Articles

AAFM Articles is a collection of professional articles related to finance and relevant industries.Browse through the articles by category or by searching for them

(January 2007) | Wealth Management
by Prof. Dr. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

Under current law, the federal estate tax will diminish through 2009 as rates fall and the amount of wealth exempt from the tax increases. ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Accounting
by Prof. Dr. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 made more than 800 changes to the existing tax code. ..... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Marketing
by Prof. G. S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

Protecting the privacy of consumer information held by "financial institutions" governed by the USA is at the heart of the financial privacy provisions of the USA Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Modernization Act of 1999...... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Marketing
by Prof. Mentz

A consumer in the USA and many countries can limit the personal information that banks and other financial institutions provide to other companies. Here's help for you in deciding what's good for you. ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Wealth Management
by Prof. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

Many companies use employee stock options plans to compensate, retain, and attract employees.......... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Marketing
by Prof. Mentz

It's known as "cold calling." For many businesses, including securities firms, cold calling serves as a legitimate way to reach potential customers...... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Asset Management
by Prof. George S Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

"Bond funds" and "income funds" are terms used to describe a type of investment company (mutual fund, closed-end fund, or Unit Investment Trust (UIT)) that invests primarily in bonds or other types of debt securities. .... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Asset Management
by Prof. George S Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

Known as "multi-class funds," some mutual funds offer investors different types of shares, known as "classes." Each class will invest in the same "pool" (or investment portfolio) of securities and will have the same investment objectives and policies..... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | E-Banking
by Prof. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

The price of some stocks, especially recent "hot" IPOs and high tech stocks, can soar and drop suddenly. In these fast markets when ..... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Wealth Management
by Prof. Dr. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

Under the US Securities Act of 1933, a company that offers or sells its securities must register the securities with the SEC or find an exemption from the registration requirements....... ...[ Read More ]

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