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AAFM Articles

AAFM Articles is a collection of professional articles related to finance and relevant industries.Browse through the articles by category or by searching for them

(October 2007) | Banking
by Federal Reserve Chairman Dr. Ben S. Bernanke

My topic this evening is the implications of ongoing global economic integration "globalization" for short--for U.S. monetary policy. At the broadest level, globalization influences the conduct of monetary policy through its powerful effects on the economic and financial environment in which monetary policy must operate. ...[ Read More ]

(August 2007) | Banking
by Economist Intelligence Unit

The need for effective compliance at financial services and banking companies is stronger than ever. Burgeoning regulations are more stringent and further-reaching; products more complex and geographic reach wider. All of this requires more money and vigilance to avoid missteps that could lead to damaged reputations and large penalties. Yet, a nagging question remains about the true effectiveness of compliance processes across financial enterprises. ...[ Read More ]

(August 2007) | Banking
by George L. Salis

Quite often we read law or tax material and we encounter the phrase “tax equity.”  As we read the complex revenue decisions and court rulings, we began to discern the ideal and definition of tax equity, and perhaps, we may even be able to penetrate its meaning to some extent.  However, what exactly is tax equity?  When one suddenly reads of this elusive concept, it almost appears as a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron.  Is it possible for taxes and/or taxation to be “equitable?” ...[ Read More ]

(July 2007) | Banking
by The Wolfsberg Group

Correspondent Banking Client is a client of an institution that is a financial services firm that uses the institutions Correspondent Banking services accounts to clear transactions for its own client base. The term includes (but is not

limited to) Banks, Broker-Dealers, Mutual Funds, Unit Trusts, Investment Services Firms, Hedge Funds, Introducing Brokers, Money Service Businesses, Pension Funds, Credit Card Providers, Commercial Credit Companies, Household

Finance Companies, Mortgage Banks, Building Societies, and Leasing Companies.

...[ Read More ]

(July 2007) | Banking
by Banking Government Research


A bank is a business. But unlike some businesses, banks don't manufacture products or extract natural resources from the earth. Banks sell financial services such as car loans, home mortgage loans, business loans, checking accounts, credit card services, certificates of deposit, and individual retirement accounts.

...[ Read More ]

(April 2007) | Banking
by Gordian Gaeta

Global economic forces are shaping the world we live and work in. These changes transcend national, ethnic or religious boundaries and impact Arabia as much as any other fast growing, modernizing and globally competing region of the world. They profoundly affect labor markets - the banking and finance professions are in the midst if not at the forefront of the challenges ahead.

...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Banking
by Prof Dr. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

Certification can help your career and also the banking field has been revolutionized by technological advancements in... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Banking
by Prof. Dr. George S. Mentz, Esq.

Whether seeking money to finance a home improvement, pay off a current mortgage, supplement their retirement income........ ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Banking
by Prof. Dr. George S. Mentz

Banks and other financial institutions can assist you by providing funds through personal or commercial credit..... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | Banking
by Prof. G. S. Mentz

General ...[ Read More ]

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