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AAFM Articles

AAFM Articles is a collection of professional articles related to finance and relevant industries.Browse through the articles by category or by searching for them

(January 2007) | General
by AAFM Approved Conferences 2007

4 New AAFM Approved Conferences for AAFM Continuing Education. Approved by the AAFM Executive Board. These Conferences below are in Jakarta, Vienna, Las Vegas and Switzerland. ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | General
by AAFM Faculty

AAFM's Prof Mentz appointed to Global Finance Forum Advisory Board in Switzerland ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | General
by Prof. Mentz

Wealth Management and Financial Analyst Jobs, Careers, Credentialing, and Designations. Financial Designations and Financial Training. To be Certified and How ..... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | General
by Prof. George Mentz, JD, MBA - Attorney at Law

Most accountant and auditor positions require at least a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. Beginning accounting and auditing positions in the Government, for example, usually require 4 years of college ...... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | General
by General

The Institute of Professional Development Limited IPD - Description of Hong Kong Training ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | General
by General Article

The Asian Banker is a research and intelligence company dedicated to providing incisive and up-to-date information and analysis on strategic developments in the financial services industry. ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | General
by General Article

In 20 successful years, the Institute for International Research (IIR) has evolved into a dynamic firm with a global network of companies doing business in over 30 countries and has partnered with AAFM for over 5 years to provide quality executive training in the Middle East, GCC, Europe and other... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | General
by Prof. Dr. Mentz

Set Goals, Review Retirement Plans and look over your government plan..... ...[ Read More ]

(January 2007) | General
by Prof. Dr. George Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM

Ages and Stages of Money Management: A To-Do List To successfully reach your financial goals, a lot depends on what you do and when. Here are just a few ideas young adults can consider at key stages of their life. ...[ Read More ]

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