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(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk management is the ability to identify, measure and finance the risks facing an entity in an effective way to ensure corporate growth and survival. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk is moving up the corporate agenda because of compliance issues, business risk is a matter of judgment and perspective, different stakeholders in a business see the approach to risk and its management differently. Risk and its management must be seen as a positive for a business as well as a potential negative. Too often we tend to dwell on the negatives and at times therefore missed opportunities abound. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Two months ago we started our examination of the seven “S” model, now at last we can complete this area and start to use it as a risk management tool. We were interrupted because of the great news from the AIRM about the CPRM and my need to get the concept of stakeholder value rather than shareholder value into our view of the intrinsic valuation of a successful business. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

If this is so then we need to be looking to a successful future with positive elements factored in to the process of risk management. Indeed we should consult our grammar checker and maybe change our thinking to the management of risk rather than risk management. A subtle but profound shift in attitude occurs when the words are swapped ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Boards, Audit Committees and general management should utilise the following steps to facilitate risk and its management. Ernst and Young have undertaken a study that demonstrates the factors. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk management as a culture and process is evolving within learning organisations to fill the void left by the elimination of middle management. The only way for this to occur is for individuals to be skilled and the organisation to respect the quest for knowledge ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Two months ago we started our examination of the seven “S” model, now at last we can complete this area and start to use it as a risk management tool. We were interrupted because of the great news from the AIRM about the CPRM and my need to get the concept of stakeholder value rather than shareholder value into our view of the intrinsic valuation of a successful business. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

For the last two months we have looked at ensuring a framework for survival that can be overlaid onto a business to give the best chance of being in existence at the start of the recovery. The jury is still out on how deep the fall will be; indeed some are arguing that we have almost bottomed. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Have you wondered why the words ‘risk management’ are heard so widely today? Have you considered what can be achieved with an understanding of the term? Indeed, is the term used or misused in today’s business world? ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Society is evolving; if enterprises do not change to meet the acceptable community standards then they will disappear from the industrial landscape. Government is the instrument of change, in other words they are charged with the reflection and implementation of community standards across society as a whole. Business needs to apply the principles of the management of risk in order to stay in front of compliance requirements. ...[ Read More ]

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