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(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

The management of risk requires a disciplined thinking approach that eventually becomes a subliminal activity of the individual. In order to translate from a conscious activity to a sub-conscious activity it must be disciplined and allow replication of process to the point of habit. How then do we create a habit that still allows us to identify and manage risk in a proactive and positive way without creating a template solution to problem solving? ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

During the eighties the world passed to the young and bypassed the old. The definition of young and old in today's world is probably around forty. On the other hand because of anti discrimination legislation we are in the process of phasing out the compulsion of retirement ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Because of the pressures of the modern market place, managers are being forced either by the shareholders or by government action to develop and implement business systems which identify and attempt to manage the various risks being faced by the organisation. Today’s business environment requires organisations to be “good corporate citizens”, with stakeholders having specific rights under legislation. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk is an event or occurrence that can have a negative impact on the business. This impact can occur in many ways from a financial deficiency through the spectrum to legal issues. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

This is a fertile area for the identification and management of risk in all its facets. Len Parson has been a worker in local government for many years and is undertaking the course in risk management, he has chosen for his project an examination of a typical local government establishment and sought to prove that risk management can be used by management as a tool to ensure the overall protection of the corporate earnings, resources, assets and personnel. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

A successful risk manager will look at the business environment, the economic situation within the environment, the international environment and how that will impact on the firm. They will also look at the legal aspects appropriate to their needs and have a good understanding of the role of politics within the decision making environment. In order to set in place a working framework for risk manager they also need to understand the organisation and physical environment and have a good grasp on human behaviour. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Another year has come and nearly gone.  The holiday season is upon us and it is a time to reflect on the achievements and disappointments of the last year.


Risk management i ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Welcome to the New Year, by all accounts it should be a reasonable one for Australia and Australian industry. If so it is a chance for us as a country to get things right in the good times so we may suffer less in the bad which will surely come. Risk management is becoming increasingly important but todate is still not recognised as a worthwhile discipline for the majority of Australian companies. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

The study was conducted by Bevan Brown, from Adelaide and is titled “International Insurance, Due Diligence Controls” the major aim of the project was to identify the legislative requirements that a company will need to observe to be authorised to carry out business in various part of the world. In order to research the above topic it was assumed that the requirements of each nation are different; accordingly the industry is in need of a method to readily establish the minimal technical and legislative requirements of each area of influence. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

The report focused on wholesaling of foreign currencies to various types of businesses involved in the travel and tourist industry. Examples of the types of entities are, automobile associations, airlines, government, travel agents and other financial institutions. ...[ Read More ]

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