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(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Last time we looked at the various aspects of risk and put forward a series of definitions to focus the mind on the facets that can be termed risk. Is risk good or bad and how as managers we need to answer that question on a case by case and event by event basis. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

This month we look at the local government sector, this is a frequently ignored area of government but in reality the one that has the most direct effect on our day to day living environment. The basic services of life are supplied by local government but beyond the collection of rubbish and the registering of animals we probably don't give it a second thought. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Statutory inspection by definition implies that any action to look at or examine any place, item or procedure, which is imposed or required by any rule, act or law, is in fact a statutory inspection. This is further defined and amplified under regulation. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk management is the emerging management philosophy of tomorrow's successful company.  We are slowly eliminating the concept linking risk management and insurance.  Industry has bee ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Now for this month, Bryan Trotman, a member of the Mines Rescue of NSW writes about the risks associated with the handling and use of hazardous substances within the industry. This is the third in our series from Mines Rescue NSW. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk managers are at a crossroad; we can chose to continue the way we are a functional line management responsibility with little or no boundaries to the function. Each firm and position is defined and constructed differently, calling yourself a risk manager only leads to confusion when you are asked, “what’s that?” The average risk manager is aging and there are no logical successors on the horizon, the succession pathway is confused because of the lack of clarity for the function. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Risk management is interpreted differently by different people depending on their functions and responsibilities in the educational environment. It is vital that educational providers, both state and private, understand the difference between risk control and loss control in order to appreciate which tangible outcomes and benefits correct risk management can provide. Educational providers who adopt the concept of risk management are moved to protect their most valuable asset, the educator. Risk exposure is viewed in this context, not as the potential for financial loss but rather as undesirable health outcomes for teachers that may translate in direct financial losses. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

This project was undertaken by Marc Kaemper, Marc has considerable experience in the area and he completed his studies by distance education. Invariably, crises are managed in a demanding environment of time pressure, lack of information, high stakes, emotion and stress. The purpose of the study was to investigate how stress affects crisis management performance in a tiered crisis management system. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Majorie Riley, is a risk management practitioner from Western Australia, she is an experienced manager of risk and has worked with some major firms in several states. Her research project focused on disaster recovery and business resumption. Majorie believes that an outcome of recovery and contingency planning will be the facilitation of a rapid resumption of critical business operations. ...[ Read More ]

(December 2006) | Risk Management
by Michael Vincent

Other more formally recognised and defined professions are circling and seeking the chance to claim the mantle of risk managers. This can happen if we do not set a pathway to the attainment of formally recognised professional status. If we fail and the other professions succeed then companies potentially lose out because the full application of the risk umbrella is not implemented; rather a methodology is implemented that represents the winning parasitic discipline rather than the holistic risk management approach. ...[ Read More ]

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